Attribute Table 3.1
The Attribute Table 3.1 works great with the exception of "Zoom to selected features" option. Is there a tag I should be using that is not included? I would appreciate any help. Mehrshad
View ArticleAttribute Table Widget Bug
I think I have found a bug in the attribute table widget in regards to editing functionality. When selecting an attribute to edit that has a domain value, the dropdown list opens with all possible...
View ArticleNo Popup with this Rest Service! Flex viewer 2.5 and 3.0
Tried this with both 2.5 and 3.0. I can never get a popup to open despite trying the following in config.xml: Doesn't show layer or popup: <layer label="Civil Affairs Operating System"...
View ArticleMouse cursor change over feature layer
Greetings to all! I have a point feature layer with defined pop-ups. Is it possible to change the default cursor (the little hand) to something else, when the cursor goes over the "active point"? There...
View ArticleI HATE IE
eventhough this may not be the appropriate place to post this question I am running out of options so I'm doing it anyway! I have set up a new 3.1 project in flash builder 4.6. I have a central landing...
View Articleintelligent widget Search
I would really love to have a more intelligent widget where any key input you give immediately gets matched against domain values, check e.g. the website below: If you type AM then your list will get...
View ArticleAdding multi-layer ArcGIS Online feature service
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me set up config.xml correctly to reference an ArcGIS Online feature service with three sublayers, since I haven't been able to get the data to appear in the...
View Articlepop-up
I created a pop-up xml document and all of the fields populate correctly in my application except one. The LABELS field had been assigned a sentence-case alias in the mxd/msd, so I changed the alias to...
View ArticleProblems with Flex 3.1
Hello, I recently upgraded from Flex 3.0 to 3.1 and came across a number of problems: 1. I suddenly couldn’t use my own basemaps in combination with operational layers anymore. My basemap would only...
View ArticleBrowser caching in Flex Viewer 3.1 Application
I have found a lot of solutions to prevent caching on the client side, but not for Flex Viewer 3.1. Does anyone know how to disable the client side caching in 3.1. We are creating an Application that...
View ArticleEnhanced Locate Widget
All, I have released my Enhanced Locate Widget. This enhanced version allows you to do reverse geocoding and locate coordinates that are in a different WKID than the map. Users can specify additional...
View ArticleeLocate Widget Reverse Geocode coordinate
Robert: When using the eLocate widget, Reverse Geocode capability, it returns the x,y coordinate values in map units; but the labels are "Longitude (x), Latitude (y)". They should either be x & y...
View Articleunable to open arcgisviewer application
I am student and I developed an arcgisviewer application on my laptop using IIS. The minute I enter my school campus and wanted to show the application what I developed, the arcgisviewer is not loading...
View ArticlePanel Width
I have placed a widget panel on the right hand side of my application window to hold the layerlist widget but i want to make it wider. I have tried putting in width="300" in the widget container tag...
View ArticleTypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object...
I am getting the following error when using the query widget at 3.1 and server 10. I have the latest Flash Player installed. Code: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null...
View ArticleFeatureTooltip widget version 3.1
Hi, A user pointed out to me that the tooltip doesn't display for some parcel. What could be the problem ? I have traced "toolTip" ligne 110 and informations are in ! I don't understand! Is that it...
View ArticleLayer visibility and layer order in TOC not honored
I recently upgraded to server 10.1 and have published a number of services that I had published with 10 previously. I've rebuilt an application using the 3.1 viewer. The previous application worked...
View ArticleFormatting Attribute Table
I have two questions regarding formatting the Attribute Table widget: 1. Is there a way to format fields not show all the fields, and select what I need to show? 2. Is there a way to format decimal...
View ArticleResize More... widget in flexviewer
Hi all, Is there anyway of resizing the operational layers More... Mapswitcher widget to show a few more layers? I prefer using this to the Layer List but at the minute it only shows 6 layers and I'd...
View Articledelete top bar
Hey everybody, i would like your help in something thats i guess is simple but i dont still find the damn code, im working on a proyect that has arcgis viewer for flex as template, but im changing some...
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