Identify Widget 3.6.5 links
I was having issues with the links not showing up for one of my features using the Identify Widget 3.4? I thought I would try to upgrade to the latest version 3.6.5. I also saw where I could use the...
View Articlehow to change the design of flex viewer 3.4
Hi everyone, i want to change the design of flex viewer 3.4 application, can you give me directions how to do that??? thanks in advances.
View ArticleCan checked on layer be synchronized to eSearch widget?
When a layer is checked on in the layer list widget or TOC widget, can this be synchronized to eSearch widget, so that the selection layer is also changed with the checked on layer? I am trying to...
View ArticleToggle Widget On / Off
Just getting back to Flex API after two years in the JS API. Please forgive if this seems terribly rudimentary....I would like toggle the LayerList widget on when the user selects a search result. For...
View ArticleStock Legend Widget not updating with scale dependencies
I am using the stock Legend Widget in a Flex 3.6 app. The legend is not updating when users zoom in and out and layers turn on and off with scale dependencies. This layers are all in the same dynamic...
View ArticleDisabling Popups for Certain Layers in Application Builder
Hi all. I would like to disable popups for certain layers while still drawing the layers on the screen. As an example, imagine a city boundary line. I noticed that if I remove the popupconfig field...
View ArticleIs it possible to query multiple layers simultaneously in Flex?
Hi, I have been using a "Select Parcel" sample code, in which I can draw a polygon to select a subset of features from a single feature layer. Is there any possibility that I can use the same...
View Articleerror 2036 & 2035 DeBug mode FlashBuilder
Hello, When I am trying to run an app in the debug mode in flash builder I am getting the following error: In chrome: error 2035 without any massage. In IE: error 2036 with the following massage: Load...
View ArticleHelp PopUp by popup.xml flex viewer application builder
hello I would like to open an html link in a popup window of controlled size, I used arcgis viewer for flex application builder v 3.5, I have written in the xml file (popup_2.xml) inside a cdata...
View Articleviewer down for maintenance
OK, this seems like it should be a simple fix: I update the data on my various flex viewer applications once a month. That means turning off numerous map services for a short period of time. Even...
View ArticleHelp Guide for users of the application.
Hello, I am new here. I just developed my first application using the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex and I am wondering there is a Help or guide for the users of the Web application that will explain the...
View ArticlePrint Widget for Flexviewer 3.6
Hi, I am working on an intranet application and it appears from everything I have read I can't use the enhanced version of print because my services are not visible to the public - only within our...
View ArticleTransition from one flex viewer UI to another
Hi everyone, I want to make a transition from my first flex viewer UI to another,can you guide me?? Thanks in advances.
View ArticleFlex Maps to Organizational Content
My apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere - but I was wondering if there was a way to import already created Flex Maps into the Organizational Content to be viewed on Mobile devices. I was able...
View ArticleDynamic layer & Widget
Dear Robert Now im trying to configurate the etime widget that u did some time ago and im having some issues that ihope u can understand. I have some sublayers in a map service that i want to load in...
View ArticleMap labels with Data Extract Widget
Greetings Folks, I am using the Data extract widget to export to AutoCAD files for my guys in the field. Everything works great except, while exporting gas wells, does anyone know how to add labels...
View ArticleWidget for Presentation
Dear All , Actually , I search about widget which I can make Presentation slide or can prepare Presentation by viewer flex . It is like ArcGIS Explorer because it is support Presentation slide .. if...
View ArticleChange a position of widgets in UI flex viewer
Hi everyone, I want to place my widgets vertically in right position lik that: Attachment 33675 i'm tried to change the HeaderController Widget but is not successful, any idea to do that??? Thanks in...
View ArticleTOCGroupWidget is great but outdated!
I am looking to upgrade my flex viewer to 3.6 but it seems like I'm going to lose a critical widget my users have become familiar with and really like; the tocgroupwidget....
View Articlepass on layers collection from one widget to another
I tried to pass a layer collection in an arraycollection by using the process as described in "Widget Communication" at the, however I get the...
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