Hybrid basemaps
Is there a way to have a basemap that shows two basemaps at once? Example, I have a tiled and cached lidar service, however it isn't statewide. I'd like to have the holes filled in by the ESRI Topo...
View ArticleCached tiles not showing up properly
I have a flex map, build on the flex viewer 3.6, and I have a Lidar basemap in the map switcher. The lidar basemap is a cached tile service, with the scales set to ArcGIS online. 80 to 90% of the tiles...
View Articledisplaying an html document in compiled flex app.
We have recently installed AVL devices on our vehicles. I have a flex application with our vehicle locations which is a service that is being accessed from the company we hired to install the devices...
View ArticleWhy i can't add features on my feature service in flex
Hi. I have feature service published in ArcGIS server 10.2.1 but I can't add feature using flex. When I add new feature, the edit widget saying it's adding feature but after a while the geometry...
View ArticleCursor change issue
I have the hand cursor set as standard on my application. When the user opens up my widget, I want the cursor to change to the arrow. I have two functions for the open and close events of the...
View ArticleGrouping Tile Packages in Flex TOC Layer List
I have an orthophoto base map I have split up into 20 tile packages (1-2GB each), and uploaded ArcGIS Online individually. Is there a way to group these in the legend and layer list so that they can be...
View ArticleNOAA.gov Crossdomain issue for custom Magnetic Declination Widget
Hello All, I created a custom widget that works well developed from my pc but when I push it to the server it fails--. I know there are potential proxy/php work arounds but I think it may be useful to...
View ArticleRoute Widget 3.6 Flexviewer Problems with "Unable to complete operation"
Hello, I am trying to make a routing service for a college campus on there sidewalks as a result there are no "directions". I simply need the line to draw and display. The routing service (network...
View ArticleArcGIS Flex Viewer : Widget : ResizeToContent
Hi Friends, I've been using ArcGIS Flex Source Code 3.6 and I'm trying to resize a widget (that has a Widget template with title bar and minimize, maximize buttons) to fit to the size of the contents...
View ArticleError on eSearch.xml
Got error message when try to show results on this layer. Other layers in different map services were able to show up on the result table. See my attachment files. Thank you. Attached Thumbnails   Â
View ArticleFeature service failing to load
Hi all, I have a flex app that contains a feature services, to allow for users to create features. The site loads perfectly on my machine and other computers not on the same network. However, for other...
View Articlecoordinate widget+custom system
Hi I have a custom coordinate system and custom "Geographic tranformation" on my ArcGIS. How can I use my custom coordinate system and geographic transformation on coordinate widget? I,m using flex 3.3...
View ArticleData Extact Widget - How to set maz area size for user
Hi there Just wondering if anyone can suggest how I can set a limit on area (sq Km's) on the users defined area of interest. So that if they to try to extract an area that is too big (over limit set)...
View ArticleAttribute Table - cannot "Zoom To Selected" with dynamically declared...
To display the result of a query on the map and in Attribute Table, I create a new FeatureLayer and populate it with the features from the result. The Attribute Table displays nicely, but when a...
View ArticleZoom to Geoprocessing Result
Hi all, I had a prior web map created in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex where the map would zoom to the result of a geoprocessing service after it finished and show the popup. I can not replicate this. I...
View ArticleWays to manage widget/icon placement? widget container? headercontol? widget...
I am using the flex viewer and want to have my widgets placed a little better if I can. Ideally, I want some space between different widgets in my application since some are for standard things and...
View ArticleFlex & database
Hi everybody I am working on my application. How do I use SQl and Arc SDE to connect flex to these and can this be done?? because I want to use lot of data thus my work requires connecting to database....
View ArticleMap Object: copying vs. referencing?
Hi all: I'm having a confusing moment as why code implementation works the way it does. I'm a self-learned programmer so I'm probably missing some fundamental understanding of ActionScript. Why does...
View Articlemigrating to ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.6, layerDefinitions and url parameters
Hi all, finally I have time to migrate my old viewer (1.3 :rolleyes:) to the last viewer 3.6. I'm studying how to implement old capabilities and I find it difficult to figure out how to make the core...
View ArticleApplication Builder
information: Using ArcGIS 10.2.1 (Desktop and Server) Application builder 3.6 cross domain on Server and web server I just set up 10.2.1 and am creating my first map app in the new environment above. I...
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