How to add a layer using config file's information?
I need to add a layer from config.xml, I put down codes like Code:"season", -1); "Season" is the from config.xml as the following Code: <operationallayers>Â Â Â Â <layer...
View ArticleSwipeSpotlight Widget - How can I exclude layers?
Hello I am using the latest version of the SwipeSpotlight widget and was wondering if anyone knows how to deactivate/exclude and/or remove layers from the dropdown list in the widget? I am using ArcGIS...
View ArticleGoogle Street View - Not working for aun unknown reason
I added StreetViewWidget V3.0 yesterday, and it worked find. But it lost function this morning. When I click a point on map, the icon point is added on the map, but the StreetView panel does not...
View ArticleBuild in FlashDevelop
I want to create a custom widget for the flex viewer. I have installed FlashDevelop 4.3.0, imported the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex source, and the API swc. I'm having the same problem as described in this...
View ArticleBing base maps missing
In the new ArcGIS viewer for Flex, I am unable to add Bing base maps; they are not visible in the list (I added the Bing key under settings). Any clue why it is missing? I can still use an old app...
View ArticleHelp required in grouping composite symbols.
Hello everybody, I want to group multiple composite symbols so that I can move them as one unit on map. Is there any container to hold multiple composite symbols? As Composite Symbol is Array of other...
View ArticleQuery widget doesn't render the filter result
I have configured a Query widget on map service, filter by "category". It can do a query, get result in the query widget. But it cannot render the result set on a graphics layer I check the sample, it...
View ArticleDrag & Drop list item of the eMapSwitchWidget
In my thread How to dynamically change the order of basemaps, Robert hinted me to use drag and drop properties. I borrowed a source code in...
View ArticlePython script tool works in Desktop but fails in Web,
Python script tool works in Desktop but fails in Web, Ian Peebles has generously shared a python script tool that display xy coordinates. For me it is worked fine on the ArcGIS desktop, and published...
View Articleparametrer les widgets
Salut tout le monde svp je voudrais parametrer mes widgets par exemple(SearchWidget) quelqu'un à une idée et merci d'avance pour votre aide
View ArticleRotateWidget for the 3.2 ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
Hey guys, I just posted a RotateWidget for the 3.2 ArcGIS Viewer for Flex. It was based on the API example by ESRI. You can find it here. Credits to David Raijmakers! :)
View ArticleCan the BufferDistance widget be extended?
The BufferDistance widget (V3.2) is only for Point buffering. I wonder if the author, Mr. Robert Scheitlin, can extend the tool for general use with the functions for line and polygon's buffering, just...
View ArticleMultiple Clustering
The clustering in the layer tag is a good way to deal with large amount of concentrated map points. However, if you wish to display the clustering symbols from 2 or more layers at the same time on the...
View ArticleHow to add FEMA WMS layer into config using 3.2 App Builder?
I am trying to add the FEMA WMS layer into the App builder (3.2) without any luck. Ive tried adding it using the GetCapabilities, GetMap and GetFeatureInfo urls. Has anyone else been successful with...
View ArticleLayer names are not present in the legend of my custom map template
I'm nearly done building my Flex web map, but I have one lingering problem that I have not been able to solve. I'm using the advanced printing capability of Flex 3.2 and the Export Map/Print widget to...
View ArticlePrint Widget Source Code?
Is the source code for the Print Widget in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.2 available anywhere?? Thanks!
View ArticlePrint using ArcGIS Server Print Task not working
Can someone please help! I opted to use the Flex Viewer as the UI for my organization's internal GIS deployment and for the past few days I've been trying to get the print widget to work. Ordinarily it...
View Articlelabels with backgrounds
I have been trying to publish my layer and keep getting "Layer is using unsupported setting (KML)". Is there a way in the flex viewer to change the label background. I simply want a label that has a...
View ArticleGoogle Street View
Hi, I looking for Google Street View widget to add it in my application builder. I have Flex Viewer 3.2. Dose anyone knows how to add it, it is for my final project. Please I need help I want to add...
View Articlesearch
salut tout le monde svp je voudrais créer une recherche comme suite : 1) recherche attributaire: dropdoawnlist 1==> contient la liste de mes couches dropdoawnlist 2==> contient la liste des...
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