Draw Widget with Pan tool
Hi, I`m using drawWidget (flexviewer 2.1), I added some mouse events to the graphics made by the tool, but its seems to ignore the pan tool when i`m trying to move inside a graphic. The pan tool only...
View ArticleIdentifyWidget by Robert Cheitlin - Operational layers not displayed
I loaded the IdentifyWidget by Robert Cheitlin. I did 1 test but the results are not good. Test 1: Load the IdentifyWidget into the Flexviewer V3.2. Unlike the demo in...
View ArticleHow to disable the Textbox on the left of About button
How to disable the Textbox (used for geocoding input) on the left of About button? Thanks.
View ArticleFlex viewer tokens login issue
Hello, I am using 3.1. Our flex viewer connects to our secured ArcGIS Server 10.1 services. When a using loads the viewer they get the login prompt and after their first login they are able to access...
View ArticleRecalling Splash Scrreen without refreshing the page
Does anyone know if there is a way to recall the Splash Screen widget without refreshing the page? I would like for the user to be able to see the information on the Splash Screen when needed. I would...
View ArticleIdentifyWidget - identifyTask.execute
I run a previous version identifyWidget (not V3.2). After identifyTask.execute(identifyParams, new AsyncResponder(myResultFunction, myFaultFunction, clickGraphic)); Nothing happens. It means it never...
View ArticleTOC Widget v.3.2 - won't stop "Generating Legend"
I can't get the little wheel icon and "Generating Legend" to stop going when I open my TOC widget. Any thoughts? I'm using v3.2. Thanks, Alison
View ArticleIdentifyWidget - identifyTask.execute
I run a previous version identifyWidget (not V3.2). After identifyTask.execute(identifyParams, new AsyncResponder(myResultFunction, myFaultFunction, clickGraphic)); Nothing happens. It means it never...
View ArticleUsers accessing the GIS web application over intranet (local network),
Users accessing the GIS web application over intranet (local network), For the time being, our GIS web application (.NET, Silverlight, Flex) is working over intranet and I wanted to know: Attachment...
View ArticleUsers accessing the GIS web application over intranet (local network),
Users accessing the GIS web application over intranet (local network), For the time being, our GIS web application (.NET, Silverlight, Flex) is working over intranet and I wanted to know: Attachment...
View ArticleSupport for alternate URL parameters?
Currently, I am using the natively supported URL Parameter with the following syntax to zoom to the centroid of a polygonal feature (tax parcel) using the most recent pre-compiled flex viewer....
View ArticleBasemap Thumbnails - Bing
I am trying to place a thumbnail picture in the basemaps box for the Bing map(s) I have added to our Basemap layers. I have tried following these instructions, but am still missing something. I have...
View Articlepassing date in query in expression
I need to pass multiple items in my where statement in out search widget. I can pass several items as "AND" statements and the statement works like this... Working... <expressions> <expression...
View ArticleWrong Date issues in the locale Danish –Dansk Arcgis Viewer for Flex date...
After we upgrade to the compiled 3.2 flex, an start use the Danish version, the date fields is display incorrectly, in the Attribute Table, and in popsUp. The format in the Tables is a Date field...
View ArticleIdentifyWidget - identifyTask.execute - HTTP Request Error
I created a simplified Identify IdentifyWidget. It contains a combobox for layer selection. After this widget is open, if I click a point on the map, an error message pops up after...
View ArticleDiscussion on Formatting Output of Attribute Table Widget
In a previous post on this subject xerox1, Matt Siple asked: Can I format the output in the Attribute Table without having to go into the mxml code? Example: In an Attribute Table I have a column "A"...
View ArticleFlex 3.2 Attribute Table Sort Order
Hello, I am using Flex 3.2. I have users want to sort a column by the attribute field value? (I know how to sort the viewable columns but that is not what I am having trouble with. What I am trying to...
View ArticleHelp in direction widget
Hi, I am using ArcGIS viewer for Flex and when I open the application builder in the explorer and try to get the directions, I got this message "unable to get direction for these locations User does...
View Articlepop-ups interfering with draw order in Flex viewer 3.0
Is anybody else experiencing this problem? We have configured pop-ups for several of the tiled and dynamic map services in our Flex viewer 3.0 app. The pop-ups are interfering with the draw order. This...
View ArticleMini Map component
I plan to create a Mini-Map widget, which displays a feature queried. Please hint me where I can get such a kind of component. Thanks.
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