Blocking .xml files from being visable in web dubugger programs ie: Fiddler
I am curious if there is any way to block the visibility of .xml files when tracking web traffic in programs such as Fiddler. Attached is a screen shot showing the situation. For instance, I can see...
View ArticleUnique Value Renderer
I currently have a viewer using Flex 2.5. I am trying to work with the source code for 3.0 to improve my current product. However, I'm unable to locate the lines of code in the MapManager.mxml that...
View ArticleEditing a Flex Viewer Application Using Flash Builder
Hi, I have recently acquired this ArcGIS project from a co-worker who was editing the Flex files using the Flex Viewer application. She can no longer make the changes that we need through the Flex...
View ArticleInternet Browsers and Esearch
Hi, The esearch 3.3.1 Build 5/10 works just fine in Application builder preview, but not in any other browser. We have three values in the expression to search by, all of three values is reading the...
View ArticleAbility to turn off all base mapping in flex viewer 2.5
Hello. I have a request from a user that would like to be able to switch all base mapping off completely. In order to view one of the dynamic layers on its own. Is there a button or widget I can add to...
View ArticleIssues compiling FlexViewer 3.3 - edit widget errors
I just loaded the source code for FV 3.3 into Flash Builder 4.6 and ran a compile. It listed the following errors for the Edit widget. Any ideas why this might be happening? Code: 1045: Interface...
View ArticleeTime Widget problems with rasters
Hello, I am trying to display time enabled rasters in my flex app using the eTime widget. When doing this, the raters don't display correctly in and don't show particular colors, leaving holes or in...
View Articleis there a way to Combine Search and edit widget
I have a web editing map stored on my organizations Arc Server box. The editing widget works with some glitches which I am currently working on fixing. But the one thing I would like to see work is a...
View ArticleHow to add a script block to the index.mxml Viewer code
Hi all, I am trying to convert a working MXML application with a custom mapclick handler and an attribute table into the Flex Viewer so that I can take advantage of the better interface and widget...
View Articleanswer quick please
hi I would like to put a button in the header of the page that contain a link to another page
View Articlexml variables in different environments
Hi, I hope I can make this clear. We use xml files for each widget, some contain server information that has to be changed when migrating between environments Test->Stage->Prod. is there a way to...
View Articleremoves memory widget
Hello Guys I'm from Brazil sorry if any typo; must remove widget, take the memory, the ArcGIS API for Flex Viewer v: 3.0 My funsao that opens a popup widget and ... How should I proceed?
View Articlepopup mouse sensitivity
Hello, I publish a feature service with objects (polylines) which symbology is a line of 1 point width. Api Flex 3.3 is great but when I tried to point an object with my mouse, it is quite difficult to...
View ArticleBlank Page
I've installed the Flex Viewer application Builder on a couple of PC's but I have never had this issue. When I go to the preview pane I do not see any layers. What I did was try and create a simple...
View ArticleCluster Flare Popup on Mouseover
Does anyone know how to get the infowindow popup for a cluster's flare from a mouse over event rather than a click event? I'm guessing it has something to do with FlareMouseEvent.FLARE_OVER, but I've...
View ArticleStill having date format issues even with Flex Viewer 3.3
I have a map service that has a date field with no time in it whatsoever but when I create the map in the Flex viewer it adds 5:00pm to every record in the pop up window. I have upgraded to 3.3 but...
View ArticlePossible Bug in Flex Viewer 3.3, Editing and Searching
Open the flex viewer. Open the edit widget. You can edit. Open the flex viewer. Open the search widget. You can search. Open the flex viewer. Open the edit widget. Open the search widget. You can edit....
View ArticleGenerate a PDF report from an Identify Result or Address Search Result
Using the Viewer for Flex, I want to deploy a custom widget to generate a .pdf report from an Identify Result or Address Search Result . I want the user to be able to search by address, or identify an...
View ArticleComplied Flex API does not display images
I am unable to view any of the icons for my widgets in my Flex app. Map services shows up fine in the app. I am able to navigate to the location of the icons without any issues. I tried using Fiddler,...
View ArticleLocate Widget: configure to default City and State
Hello, I'm trying to default the City and State to the Locate widget but I have not had any luck with results. ANy suggestion on what maybe incorrect on this config. Thanks <?xml version="1.0" ?>...
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