Channel: Forums - ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
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Geoprocessing tasks suddenly taking a very long time

I have about 15 applications set up via ArcGIS Viewer for Flex V3.0. Most of them use the print widget to create custom layout jpgs and pdfs, and one of them uses an Export Data geoprocessing service....

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Feedback please - Render Terrain Widget

Hi, I've created a widget to create a simulated terrain model of our LiDAR data. Please, try it and let me know if the user interface - tilt, rotation and freeze is user friendly, thanks!...

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etime update extent

How can I update the ti me extent without restarting my service for a layer that updated on a five minute basis? I have read about the return updates capability, but don't know how to apply it to the...

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Non interactive widget

Hi Guys, Has anyone created a non interactive widget? I basically want to add a module that has access to the widget framework (config data, map etc etc) but doesn't have an icon or placement on any...

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Polygon.contains throws a script timeout error

The Polygon.contains method throws a script timeout error for certain polygons . I'm using esri flex viewer 2.5 and please let me know, how i can get around the issue. Code: for(var p:Number =0; p <...

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Spatial search in Eserach

Robert, In the spatial search of the enhanced search 3.0, is that possible to keep the first result highted even after you create buffer and search the entites? Right now after you searched the...

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draw line programmatically

Similar to the polylines that google overlays on their map, I am looking for a similar functionality to draw a line on a map based on predefined sets of coordinates. The app for the hurricanes provides...

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Disable link if field is null in Popup

Has anyone been able to disable links in popups if the field is null? This can be found in Robert's eSearch widget and is very nice feature eliminating the confusion users have who are not familiar...

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Interesting Basemaps? Post them up!

Does anyone have some particularly interesting basemaps that they've stumbled across and gotten to work in the viewer? I'm always looking for new backgrounds to try. If you have some post them up!...

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Viewer 3.3 Draw tool and enableGraphicsLayerMouseEvents

Hi All, Looking at the MapManager the draw tool in it doesn't have an associated graphicsLayer, therefore passing through enableGraphicsLayerMouseEvents true on setMapAction is essentially useless?...

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Viewer 3.2 - Order of Popups

I have two popups configured in my viewer, one from a basemap layer and the other from an operational layer. What determines the display order of the popups when I click a location where features from...

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Could I get an example for linkprefix?

This should be an easy one. I think all I need is an example. Right now I have a field that has a file name and I need to append a link prefix to it. I got it to work in the pop-up like so: Code: {APN}...

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Popup behavior for dynamic layers vs feature layers

Is there a difference in how popups are handled for dynamic and feature layers? My dynamic layer popups perform much 'better' in the fact the features are easy to identify and the popups are displayed...

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EditWidget 3.0, no attribute list, site freezes

Hey all: I am using the 3.0 version of the Edit Widget and running into problems. The widget sees my SDE feature layer, and allows me to add and delete features. However, none of the fields in the...

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Password Encryption at Transport layer??

noticed that when using Fire Bug the 'Post Get token' to access secure map services show the user name and password as plane text. is this getting encrypted at the transport level? Attachment 25096...

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WMS basemaps doesn't work with 3.3

Hi everyone, This is so strange, my WMS layer used to work fine in Flex Viewer / API 3.1. But now with 3.3 (and tested in 3.2), it doesn't show up. Is there a change in WMS layer properties since FW /...

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Header Controller Search Widget

Really liking the new integrated search into the header :) Just a bit confused about the "Clear" graphics button, if there is one? I've configured up some symbology to show on the map, but there is no...

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Viewer 3.3 get frozen

Hi, I'm using Flex-Viewer 3.3 pointing to an ArcGIS server 10.0 sp5 (database based on arcsde 10 and postgresql 8.4). There is a mapservice with a layer of polygons related to a table. When the info...

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flex viewer errors(1046, 1067,1119) in the fresh install

Hi there, I was hoping someone could help me figure out what I am missing. I am trying out my first install of flex viewer 3.3, with flex api 3.1. When I try to run my index.mxml file, I get bunch of...

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FV 3.1 help files

Since every single link that I click on refering to any FV 3.x takes me to the 3.3 page (the only other option I can find is for 2.5), how does one find the help documentation for FV 3.1 now? For that...

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