Possible to change color of Attribute Table widget's yellow collapsable panel...
Hello, I am looking to change the color of the yellow bar that you click to collapse the panel of the Attribute Table widget. Is this actually possible, and if so, whereabouts would this change take...
View ArticleEnhanced Layer List Widget 3.4
Hi Robert, I would like to make the text (layer list items) in your Enhanced Layer List widget larger. Would that tweak be in a file in the toc/tocClasses folder? or would that be in the...
View ArticleEdit Widget
I installed ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.4. The operational layers were from our ArcGIS Server. But the Edit widget shows "No editable layers". What should I do to make editable layers available? the...
View ArticleIs it possible to remove duplicate address from the search results in Geocoder?
Hello, I am looking for a way to programatically remove duplicate addresses from the search results in the Geocoder used in the Header Controller widget. The problem is our street centerlines layer has...
View ArticleStrange Crossdomain.xml policy issue. Channel.Security.Error
I have two applications created with AppBuilder that are running fine, and have been running well for the past year. I just upgraded the AppBuilder to 3.4, the newest release. Before upgrading my...
View Articlee-search error (RPC Fault FaultString="")
Hi again, My esearch stopped working after some changes I made mostly to the service/mxd. I have attached the error I am getting and the esearch.xml code as text. Even though I backtracked a couple of...
View ArticleFlex 3.4 turn on/off operational layer
Hi Everyone, I'm currently migrating to flex 3.4 from flex 2.3. Have anyone able to use the WidgetOpenHandler to turn on a specific operational layer. This code map.getLayer("DSIC Projects").visible =...
View ArticleProblem with print in exact scale 1:2000, with Flexviewer 3.4. on a ArcGis...
Hi I’m am setting up a Map, with 2 basemaps. • one dynamic with layers automatic turn off in the scale range 1:50 < 1:1900 turs off at 1900 • One cashed tiled basemap in the scale range...
View ArticleSpatial Analysis
As we start to roll out our new system we are getting a wide variety of request. One of them being that we have a group that is in charge of maintenance at a lof of different locations. So when...
View ArticlePop Up link without the "www" not working
I am on Flex Viewer 2.5. I have 2 popups, one with a hyperlinked field with a url of http://www.scpafl.org/ParcelDetails.aspx?PID=07-20-31-505-0E00-0240, and another with an url of...
View ArticleHow to change selection outline weight/color on map from Attribute Table widget?
Does anyone know how to change the outline color or weight of the selected feature on the map when selected from the table in the Attribute Table widget? I have polygons (buildings) that are very hard...
View ArticleDisplay point with action script fails in widget
I have created a widget and I can not get it to put a SimpleMarkerSymbol at the location (x,y). The code compiles but myGraphicsLayer.add(myGraphicMarker); is not firing. I clearly am missing...
View ArticleQuestion on Enhanced Layer List Widget & Feature Layer Tips for Layer visibility
Currently I use both widgets Enhanced Layer List Widget(http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html...934781d7234d18) & Feature Layer Tips widget (http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html...a4fadd2028e379). I...
View ArticlePoint in Polygon Selection
I have a Polygon Layer and a Point Layer. I would like to know if these tasks are able to be done in the Flex Viewer? and can someone explain to me how to do this, or at least point me in the right...
View ArticleRequest map in tiles for dynamic service
ArcGIS Explorer breaks its requests for map services into 512x512 tiles. This makes it feel like the data loads faster. Another difference is it starts requesting tiles as you pan (with mouse button...
View ArticleFlex Viewer 3.3 Header controller search issue
When I use the header controller search on my map service (lots of pipelines) it seems to position the pop-up window pointing to the cehtre of the extent of the feature rather than a point along the...
View Article3.4 Print widget-Exclude Layers from Legend
Good morning All, I am testing the 3.4 viewer, specifically the Print widget as we have had issues similar to what I am experiencing currently. I have referenced a local Export Web Map Task in the...
View ArticleCustom Print Problem
Hello, I'm looking for some help with printing using custom layouts. I have published my printing service, loaded the print widget in App Builder and set it to use arcServer to print using the...
View ArticleAnnotation Layers not showing up in ArcGIS 10.1 - Please help
We just recently updated our server to ArcGIS version 10.1 and now my Annotation layers are not showing up on my map. I'm using Flex Viewer 3.2. Below are the calls in my main config.xml to my 3 map...
View ArticleeLayerList 3.4-Excluding layers
Robert, I am using the 3.4 eLayerList. I have added numerous layers to be "excluded" in the config file for the widget. I am finding that if I remove some layers using the excludelayer tag, the layer...
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