eTime and Popups
I'm trying to find out if popups work in conjunction with the time/eTime widgets. My time enabled map service has 2 layers. One is a raster layer and one is a point layer. When I run through the time...
View ArticleFlex Viewer 3.4 issue with Map Service Labeling
I've created a Zoning Service that has 4 Layers. My Streets Layer labels just fine but my Address labels do not show up in my Flex application. I can see them when I preview my Service when I create it...
View ArticleCustom widget in 3.4 not working in Chrome
Hello, I've been using the App builder 3.1 with a custom geoprocessing widget that was designed and compiled for use on 3.1. I installed the 3.4 app builder, created a copy of the project that includes...
View ArticleTitle Change in Flex Application.
I recently change the title of a Flex map in Application Builder by using the design tab and then going to title and fonts and then saved it. The changes show up in the preview tab but not when I open...
View ArticleGP tool - point input problem
Flex Users, I have successfully created and published GP tool and it works perfectly when I run the server version of it on my desktop. The tool is not anything special: take the user input point...
View ArticleNavigation Widget Maximum Zoom
I have two Flex viewer applications- one has a maximum zoom in scale of 1:2,257 and the other is 1:1,128. ( the 1:2,257 was done using application builder while the other one was compiled using Flash...
View ArticleWeb service Database
Am new to flex arc gis flex viewer 3.4, I want to build a widget to read data containing coordinates from a non spatial database and display it on map, I can build a web service to read from the...
View ArticleURL link encoding
Hi, is there a way to prevent Flex Viewer to encode URL address in pop-up window?
View ArticlePNG32 setting for transparency resets in config.xml after save in FlexViewer
Transparency is enabled with PNG32 but resets to PNG8 after changes or save in the Flex Viewer. Any ideas on why the config.xml basically reset to default PNG8. Very frustrating to make minor change in...
View ArticleUser-defined Layer Definition
I am trying to create an application where a user can define the layer definition for a map service. I can it get it work if I add the layer in the action script, but I would really like to apply the...
View ArticleSub-layer Transparency in Dynamic Layer
Hi, I need to have one of my dynamic sublayers transparent and what I did was as below (id="1"), but nothing happened. What is the correct way to do it? Code: <layer type="dynamic" label="State"...
View Articlemailto: and need for email obfuscator assistance
Hello, I'm using the 3.4 Application Builder and have familiarity with changing the config.xml and individual widget xml, but a novice at getting into the mxml and action script. The first item I'm...
View ArticleHit Counter
Does anyone have any advice on how to add a hit counter to a flex viewer application?
View ArticleAttribute Table Widget - remove the export option
hi, I try to remove the export option ("export the attibutes to a csv file") of the AttributeTableWidget (flex 3.5). Can someone help me, please? Is something to remove in the AttributeTableWidget.mxml...
View ArticleSearch widget Flex Viewer 3.5 Search by Attribute default
How can I get the search widget to open with and default to 'Select by Attribute' (text search) instead of 'Select Features' (spatial search)? ArcGIS viewer for flex 3.5
View ArticleESearch Question
I'm trying to create a filter on the esearch fixed datagrid. The filter is using an array collection. I have everything working correctly but I can't seem to find the dataprovider that is populating...
View ArticleManage attachments with editor delete missing
Hello, I am using Application Builder Version 3.5. When I try to manage attachments, I do not get an option to delete. I am pretty sure in previous versions there was a red X listed by the file. In my...
View ArticleHow do you print Advanced high-quality printing on secured services?
I have secured map services and want to print larger map instead of entering user name & password everything time you print a map. How do you modify your python script for secured services? I use...
View ArticleHow add subclass for widget lists+flex+rscheitlin
Hi rscheitlin I,m looking a solution for adding a subclass for widget's list. for example I have a main class for "Spatial Analysis" widgets, in my header, after that there is a subclass with 3d...
View ArticleDisplay attributes of Mosaic Dataset in Flexviewer
Good Morning, I have a mosaic dataset containing 25 raster dataset. I publish it as image service. And then I want to view that in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex. How can I access to attribute table of my...
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