eSearch functionality changes on public facing application.
Hello, In using the eSearch widget to find address and APN fields, both are strings, I'm coming up with different search capabilities. When I run the query on the internal server address everything...
View ArticleExport Web Map Service
Can you use the export web map service to export map images using ArcGIS server 10.0 or is it only 10.1 and up?
View ArticleArcgis Flex 3.5 + Flex SDK 4.11 Problem
Hi, I was updating the Flex SDK to 4.11 version for my project, but when I use a Task (for example PrintTask), there is an error with the JSON utilities include in the Flex Arcgis API. This is the...
View ArticleIdentify Widget 3.5.1 Problem
Hello I'm using Flex Builder 3.5 and trying to configure the Identify 3.5.1 widget. When I go into the GUI I can browse to my map service and choose the layer I want to identify. The attribute field...
View ArticleUSNG Widget with Different Projection Coordinate System
We are trying to find the USNG widget with different Projection Coordinate System, like NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Florida_East_FIPS_0901_Feet. It seems that we can only find one for Web Mercator in...
View ArticleBuffer disappears after search is complete i (enhanced search 3.4)
Hi there, I am having a issue with the spatial search in the Enhanced search widget (Flex viewer v3.4). Once a search is complete and a buffer is created when we select "completely contained" or one of...
View ArticleIdentify Widget 3.5.1 issue
Robert - I recently upgraded the Identify widget from 2.5.8 to 3.5.1 (as well as to flew viewer 3.5). I had identified an issue with the Identify 2.5.8 in which is what not returning any domain...
View ArticlePrintTask and text symbols with glow filter
I am having trouble with converting a text symbol with a glow filter (halo effect) to a Export Web Map Task text symbol with halo attributes. My app is based on an old flex viewer app that I have...
View ArticleCompile Flex Viewer src
Hello Is it possible to compile the src flex builder without Flash Builder???? for example using ant or eclipse... If so, how? :D
View ArticlePrint Widget and area preview
Dear all, I would like customize the default print widget. I would like show on the map the area that will be printed. Any suggestion? Regards Giuseppe P.
View Articlelayer failed to load: Fault info: E0011E: Invalid feature layer:
For the web app in question I am using the Viewer for Flex 3.2 and ArcGIS for Server 10.1. I am using a python script to publish my mapservices. Previously I was using a unique mxd doc for each service...
View ArticleWhere to store variables for entire application
My theoretical Flex Viewer application has need for keeping track of various data across the whole application, rather than local to a widget or two. Multiple widgets will often want to read/write to...
View ArticlePrint Widget: Capabilities depending upon Server & Flex versions
Is there some place where the following might be found: a description or checklist of what the Print Widget (or any other component) can do depending upon the version of Flex and the version of...
View Articleset map scale widget
Hi, I'm looking for a widget that can either set the scale of the map in a dropdown with configurable scale values, or a text box that you type the map scale into so that the user can navigate using...
View ArticleEnhanced Locate Widget: How to change point unit abbr?
In setting a coordinate system to use for point units, I can look up the WKID here but where is the lookup table for "abbr"? I'm trying...
View ArticleSearch Widget questions
I am trying to reconfigure the standard search widget. There are 2 things I'd like to do: 1- I would like to flip the locations of the text search and graphical search buttons so the text search...
View ArticleRemove leading zeros from value
Hi, I would like to have the leading zeros removed from the output results. For example when a feature is selected and the attributes are displayed I want it to show L-12345 not L-0000000012345. Or if...
View ArticleGetting excel or csv to display in map
Hello. So I am using flex 3.5 compiled and or App builder. I have an application that has two operational layers. One of the layers is a service located on our server. The second one is a service...
View ArticleArcGIS Online Feature Service and Related Records Issue
I'm Stumped... I have created a feature service on my ArcGIS Online developer account. The feature service has several layers, and two tables. The two tables are related (via a relationship class) to...
View ArticleSet initial time on Time Widget
Does anyone know if there is an easy way to set the initial time on the Time Widget? I'd like to set it to the most recent time, not the start of the time period. Thanks! David Wilcox Virginia...
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