Order of objects in template picker of Edit widget
A user remarked that the order of editable items in the template picker seems to be random (confirmed for both Flex Viewer 3.4 and 3.5). It is desired to have the same object order like in the legend....
View ArticleRobert's shapefile widget and M and Z values
I'm using Robert Sheitlin's excellent shapefile widget (Version 3.4) to allow users to import shapefiles into their map. Today one of our users received a shapefile from a client and it would not...
View Articlex Robert: eSearch version for SFV 1.3
Hi, I ask it to Robert :), cause Robert helped me so many time in the past ;) I need to know if u still have an eSearch version for SFV 1.3, I 'm still working with it and I have to show data related...
View Articlequery or identfy a wms layer
Hi all. Just wonder if there is able to make a query, popups or identify over a wms service in flex 3.2 or higher.
View ArticleAttachment on Relate table
Has anyone created an access point to attachments associated with a relate table?
View ArticleWould like to open a single "web page" from a link in a popup w/o opening new...
Ok... so this is my first post so here goes. I'm currently using FlexViewer 3.4 and FlashBuilder 4.6. I'm using "popups" for property information when a user selects a parcel. For this purpose, I have...
View ArticleRe-position Widgets in a Vertical Widget Container
Wondering how I can allow users to re-position widgets within a vertical container (IE Search, Identify, etc).
View ArticleChange Navigation widget zoom levels
I am working with OpenStreetMap (among others) for my basemap. When my map opens, the zoom level shows the extents of my operational layers and the zoom slider on the Navigation widget is centered....
View ArticleCurrent extent features
Hi, Is there a way to get only the visible features/layers in the current extent view of the map?
View ArticleTime Slider can not handle decades?
I have a simple time map that runs from 2001 to 2091 with one map every 10 years. I set it up in ArcMap, set it to 1 decade and it works great. The slider displays 2001, 2011, 2021, 2031, 2041, 2051,...
View ArticleHow to use the China Map in Application Builder?
When I try to use the China Map(Included POI) as the basic map in Application Builder ,I encounter a problem described as "DefaultHTTP ,CHANNEL.Security.error" what should I do ?
View Articleadd a secure wms as basemap
Hi! I have build a map application with Arcgis flex 3.2 and right now im trying to add a wms layer as a basemap in my application In Flexbuilder everything works fine when I run it. But when I build it...
View ArticleFlex Viewer TOC - autozoom to checked layer's extent
Hi, I'm new to flex viewer customization. can anybody share their customization (if any) on how to automatically zoom to a checked layer's extent when interacting with the operational layer? Looks like...
View ArticleMoving the top menu
Hi, I am thinking bout putting the top UI - Header Controller. Have anybode done this? I'm interested in putting it at the right part of application and make it wider with putting it other infomations...
View Articledatagrid
I have been working with the enhance search widget for a while and so far everyone seems to like it.....I am now adding a datagrid to the fray. Easily completed the setup in the config...there is a...
View ArticleProgress Bar for 3.3
I have a progress bar widget in my FlexViewer 2.5 that displays while the user is waiting for the map to finish drawing. I am upgrading to Flex 3.3 and this widget will not work for me at 3.3. Does...
View ArticleGCOD in 3.3 while Editing
So, I've come across the GCOD error like many have mentioned before (especially before 3.3 version). However, we are using version 3.3. I've tried to implement the fixes like "selectionColor" and...
View ArticlePrint Widget: How to change locale of Date label
Hi, I use the following URL for an Export Web Map Task configuration in my PrintWidget.xml: Code: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <configuration>...
View Articlerelates?
OK, I am good with the data grid....(see previous post). Now for relates. Robert, I have studied the documentation, it all seems pretty straight forward, except for one thing. Where is the data for the...
View ArticleWidget containers and groups - application builder
We are in the process of modifying the application builder to use our implementation of flex viewer and some extra widgets we have created. We are just at the process now of extending the functionality...
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