Edit Widget Errors - Data not being edited in real time...
Hello, We are using 3.5 version of Viewer for Flex and ArcGIS Server 10.1, etc. I recently created a mapping application via the Viewer for Flex and tested it out on my computer without any issues. As...
View ArticleIssues with viewing Flex Version 3.5 site with IE
I have a site built with ArcGIS Flex Version 3.5 and have received numerous calls from users indicating that the site does not load correctly in Internet Explorer. I have witnessed this issue first...
View ArticlePrinting map gives cyan outline for polygons and lines instead of configured red
In ArcGIS viewer for flex we have configured our search and identify widgets to mark polygons and lines with the color red. So if I select a polygon or a line on a map using the Identify widget, the...
View ArticleProgress Bar for 3.0?
I was wondering if a compiled version of the progress bar 3.0 was available?
View ArticleProgress bar with percentage loading of wms or dynamic layer
Hello to all, I can how to make a progress bar with the percentage of bytes loaded when loading a wmslayer or dinamic layer ? You have some example? thanks¡¡ Ferre.
View ArticleIs it possible to use Arc2Earth Data Services w/n the Viewer for Flex?
Does anyone know if it is possible to use the Data Services from Arc2Earth w/n the Viewer for Flex? The website seems vague and my post in their forum has gone unanswered. It appears that one can pull...
View ArticlePossible bug with the Edit Widget...
I am using the Viewer for Flex 3.5 software and ArcGIS Server 10.1. We recently created a web map that allows the end user to update attribute values and the location of point data via the Viewer for...
View ArticleChoosing default basemap
I've built a flex application using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex that uses the MapSwitcher widget to display the ESRI basemaps and a custom cached basemap I've published. Everything works well except the...
View ArticleFlexViewer 3.0 or older Address Locators combined into new web service on...
FlexViewer 3.0 or older Address Locators combined into new web service as of 12/31/2013. The old address locator web services go away on 12/31/2013 per this...
View ArticleDirections Widget and closest facility widgets
In order to use these two widgets I think I need to create Network Analysis service like the one below. http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.co...NAServer/Route The problem is I don't have any clue on how...
View Articlehelp with error meesage
I have a mapping application with a functioning datagrid and relates and both are working well. I do have the following error popup when selecting clicking the relate icon for one of the points:...
View ArticleSome layers not displaying in Attribute Table
Hi everyone, I'm using the Viewer for Flex Application Builder - everything is going well except for one odd bit. I'm using the 'out of the box' Attribute Table along the bottom of the viewer, and for...
View ArticlePop up window location
This seems like it should be pretty basic, but I've searched through the help and forums and cannot seem to find anything on it. Is there a way to control where the popup window or info window for...
View ArticleHTTP Request Error need help ASAP!
SO i have two services running on a newly install of ArcgIS server 10.1 running on Windows Server 2012. I have built an application with the Flex Application builder using both services. The...
View ArticleMap Switcher "More"
Howdy, How can i rename the "More" in Map switcher config file in ArcGIS Viewer for flex 3.5 ? I am also aware of the Layers widget. But i want to rename the "More" to "Layers". I tried the following,...
View ArticleProject Polygon Result to FeatureSet
Hi All: I'm trying to take the geometry from a GeometryService Project result and pack it into a FeatureSet so that I can pass it to a geoprocessing task. What's the smoothest way to do this? Code:...
View ArticleCustomizing the "Enter address" in the address field?
Hello, I'm trying to change the font color of Enter address in the address field within the widget container to a red font, but can't seem to find the widget or location of this text in the mxml. Any...
View Articleupper relate limit
Is there an upper limit to the number of rows in the related table? I have a relate that seems to work well when the number f related items is somewhat small, but when there are a larger number of...
View ArticlePrint Widget? Does one exist?
I was rather disappointed to get all the way to the end of the ESRI help tutorial for a printing GP that one can include in a Flex APP, only to learn that I need to invest several hundred dollars in a...
View ArticleMoving placement and re-sizing legend widget
Hello All, I am new to widget programming and I am wondering if someone could help me with how to move the legend widget placement on the web map start-up and adjust the size? Thank you in advance, - Joe
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