Title/Subtitle layers Legend widget
Hello, I am working with flex 2.5 andI have a question concerning the legend widget. I realized that I have two titles in the legend : the name of my mapservice and the name of the layer. Can I choose...
View ArticleWindows Login / Splash / Multi Config widget?
All, I am wondering if anyone knows where I can find a widget that is similar to the splash that would have like two options or buttons, one a Public (unsecured) option and one a Private or secured...
View Articleimage placed in the skin mxml displayed darkened
I created a skin mxml in Viewer for Flex and placed an image in the title bar. the image was found darkened. Reference please found attached a clip of the display I get. What have I done wrong? Thanks...
View Articleneed help reading data from database or webservice
Hi every body , I am not a developer, and I have data in database contain - points ( title and some information) for each point. we can export data from database to web service and also we can connect...
View ArticleShared Vertex Edits
Looking for a way to have the ability to move shared Vertex's between adjoining geometry simultaneously ? Thanks
View Articlecombobox default value
Hello, I have a widget with three combo boxes. i need to keep a specific value as a default value. i added the following two line of code in fillComboBoxGovs() function Code: cbGovName.selectedIndex=1;...
View ArticleConvert Existing English FlexViewer to French
I'm using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex Application Buildere v3.6 I have an existing English version of the viewer but I need to convert this copy into French as well. Can anyone provide any guidance and/or...
View ArticleEditor Tracking & Ownership Access Control
I've created a secured service and enabled editor tracking. I'm using the default Edit Widget but added code to enable the IdentityManager. I enter my username/password when entering the website and...
View ArticleIdentify Widget 3.6.2 for Flex Viewer: raster layer names will not display
Using the 3.6.2 version of the Identify Widget, I cannot get names of attributed, ERDAS Imagine (.img) raster layers to display when I click on a pixel in the Flex app to identify. In the 3.0.2 version...
View ArticleFlexviewer and GeoEnrichment
Hi All, Has anyone done any developing that takes advantage of the ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service for purposes of the flexviewer? https://developers.arcgis.com/en/fle...enrichment.htm Just wondering how...
View Articleflex viewer 3.6, using existing map cache tiles at large scales lod
Hi, I have set up my viewer config to allow users to zoom up to scale 141, My basemap map server cache tiles however only go up to scale 1128, As expected, once I zoom closer than the 1128 scale, my...
View ArticleGeoprocessing - SurfaceProfile XML
Hello guys .. I've downloaded the version 3.4 and Flex widget geoprocessing not come with XML I need SurfaceProfile.XML can help us? thx
View ArticleZoom to Coordinates
Hello I need to be able to enter coordinates and zoom to them using the flex viewer. I have no development software to compile flex code so need to use a compiled widget. In the past I have used the...
View ArticleProblems with config the CoordinateMenu widget
Hello, I have downloaded the zip file from this link - http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html...08f53eaa131e1e I have follwed the readme file, and the widget doesn't work. i can ask more specific...
View ArticleRPC error on Enhanced-Search-Widget
Hi all, I,m getting a unknown error "[RPC Fault faultString="Unable to complete operation." faultCode="400" faultDetail=""]" in my eSearch widget when I try to run a spatial query using the...
View ArticleRelated Table Names
Hello Im attempting to rename / change the alias in the related tables in the Attribute Table Widget. i am using relates stored in the MXD so there names are super long (i.e....
View ArticleSymbology Error in Edit Widget
For some reason the symbology within the Edit widget UI box does not match the symbology within my layer list or legend widgets. The data I am working with is coming from a DB2 Enterprise database. The...
View ArticleBasemap Switcher Not Showing Up Anymore - Flex Map 3.6
I no longer see a basemap switcher button. I double checked the settings, and everything is turned on as it should be. However, when I view the published map, the basemap button is not there. Any ideas?
View ArticlePublic's Perception of Flex Viewer Vs. IMS
Hello, First, a little background information concerning this post. About one year ago, I was hired to update our older county IMS website to Flex 3.0. It successfully included every layer and function...
View Article#2048 Error
Hi All I'm getting a #2048 Error from Identity Manager when singing in to ArcGIS Viewer for Flex to access a secured service. Only in Chrome and FireFox. I know that this generally relates to a missing...
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