Help Widget
I'm looking for a widget that can be configured to store online help instructions on how to operate the flex viewer they're in. Can anyone make any recommendations? Thanks in advance...Walter
View Articlequery with return distinct values in rest services get error when tables joined
I query using return distinct values in rest services works fine. Under the same circumstances, ARCGIS server 10.1 sp1, I joined tables to the feature class. I queried a field in the table without...
View Articlecreate a query widget service
hi every body, I need help of how to create a web service from my own database to be read from Query widget .. how can I wrote my personal service .. I need to know what is the JSON format ? If there...
View ArticleLabeling Problems with Aerials Base Layers Turned On
When I turn on an aerial base layer my labeling becomes unreadable. I have tried different fonts, italics, bold, halos without any improvement in display. This happens with any aerial base layer...
View ArticleElevation Profile Widget Error
I'm getting the error 'The server returned and error: Error in handling operation GetElevations' now when I use this widget. Has there been any changes to the elevationsSOE web services that this...
View ArticleFlex Attribute Widget - Open to "Select by Attribute" instead of "Select...
I'm using v3.6 and would like the attribute widget to default to the "Search by Attributes" panel instead of "Select Features by". I guess I need to modify the config file, but not sure. Anyone done...
View Article"Hour:Minutes" are not editable
After setting an Date field with Custom format ending with "... J:HH" I can't edit the Hour and Minutes values in the web application. Any ideas why?!
View ArticleAttribute Table displays twice???
Please tell me I'm not the only one who is experiencing this!! In the Layout tab I've activated the Attribute Table option and configured it to have the initial state "Collapsed". I did not include any...
View ArticleShow total result on Search Widget Fixed Datagrid
How to add total result # on Search Widget Fixed Datagrid? I add this line almost at the end on SearchWidgetFixedDG.mxml. <s:Label id="resultSummary" height="15" fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic"...
View ArticleHow to disable the "Show All" for the query widget
Hi, I am trying to disable the show all feature for the query widget for ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.5 Is there a easy way to do this? Thanks in...
View ArticleFlex V3.6 - customizing individual basemap zoom levels
I have a flex app where I've customized the <basemap> tags in my config.xml file to only include the light gray canvas, aerial, topo and street basemaps from ESRI. When I test the app live to see...
View ArticleBuffer Distance Widget Defaults
Just wondering if anyone knows of any way to set defaults for the Buffer Distance Widget? I would like to set Default point color, buffer fill color and buffer outline color but I can't find the tags...
View ArticleExport Map Widget for Flex Viewer v3.6 - Missing SWF
Robert- I just downloaded the latest Export Map Widget for v3.6. Pointed my Viewer for Flex add new widget to the .zip folder and after a couple seconds I get an Import Custom Widget dialog box that...
View ArticleZooming issue
For some unknown reason one of my Flex services won't allow me to zoom in pass 10,000 scale. I checked my MXD and found now no scale ranges set. I have checked other services and zooming pass this...
View ArticleAny existing widgets or examples on consuming non spatially aware data in Flex?
How would you consume fairly large xml data (contains geospatial information) that you wanted to re-serve as a map service to/through the Flex Viewer? My initial reaction would be to write a scheduled...
View ArticleSplash Screen Timeout
Good morning everyone, This will probably be a simple yes or no question so I figured I would throw it out there after not finding the answer following a quick review of the default splash screen...
View ArticleFlex in a Week?
I'm new fairly new to the Flex community and have been to told the best way to get started customizing some of my application is starting with "Flex in a Week". I'm up to day 1 video 4 and am setting...
View Articlecreate a link to open a folder in a network share on our intranet flex 3.6
Hi How do i create a link to open a folder in a network share on our intranet Normal i wrote in pop up file://fs01/data$/Gruppe/GIS/TELE_RDS/Projektering/{TEXTSTRING} or...
View ArticleProblem Unzipping file zipped with python
Hi all!!! I have this problem, I use a Geoprocess Service to extract data to a SHP file and when it's over within the same geoprocess I call another python script to "ZIP" those generated files. When I...
View ArticleAttribute Table issues screen shot provided
For some reason when we upgraded to 3.6 and I turned on the Attribute table this is what it looks like Attachment 31129 Can anyone provide a fix. I also tried viewing in Chrome, FireFox and IE all the...
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