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Hover Over Identify Widget


I was wondering if anyone knows of a widget that allows users to hover over features on a map and have the features light up or change color and also display attribute information without having the user actually click on the map? I think I have seen this before. Below is an example using silverlight (I think):

http://gistech.countyofkane.org/kanegis/kanegis.html (click to turn on County Board Districts and then hover over the map).

Thanks for the help!

3d marker symbology

I am wanting to change the symbology of points in an operational layer to 3D marker symbols. How can I accomplish this?

Close button on minimized widget

Anyone know how to keep the close button (black X) on a widget when minimized?

I would like to be able to close the widget from the minimized state. Currently, one has to full size it, then can be closed.

Any idea?



Flex Viewer 3.0 Basemap widget with broken link

Starting Thursday, December 13, 2012, all my Flex Viewer 3.0 web maps that utilize the addarcgisbasemaps="true" function receive the error:

"Imagery with Labels layer failed to load: Fault code: 400
Fault info: Unable to complete operation.
Fault details: Service 'World_Imagery' of type 'MapServer' does not exist or is inaccessible."

Although the web map will still work if you 'x' out of the error screen, it still causes people to call and ask why their map is not working. Not good from the IT point of view.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Flex Viewer Print Widget Using ESRI v10.1 Print Service

To All Flex Viewer Users:

I have a FlexViewer application that uses my organizations AGS v10.0 mapservices. In order to get a better quality printout I am trying to use ESRI's printing service.

As such, I have configured the Print widget to use ESRI's v10.1 Print service as follows:


I then tried to create a pdf print with this task from my internal FlexViewer app but I received the following results:

Error executing print task:

[RPC Fault faultString="Unable to complete operation." faultCode="400" faultDetail="Error executing tool.: Layer "BaseMap AdminBoundaries C StPl FileGeo": Unable to connect to map server at http://myserver/ArcGIS/rest/services...eGeo/MapServer.
Layer "BaseMap Hillshade Aerials 2010 C StPl FileGeo": Unable to connect to map server at http://myserver/ArcGIS/rest/services...eGeo/MapServer.
Layer "BaseMap RoadsRiversRailStreams C StPl FileGeo": Unable to connect to map server at http://myserver/ArcGIS/rest/services...eGeo/MapServer.
Layer "BaseMap AdminBoundaries C StPl FileGeo": Unable to connect to map server at http://myserver/ArcGIS/rest/services...eGeo/MapServer.
Layer "Parcels Search D StPl FileGeo": Unable to connect to map server at http://myserver/ArcGIS/rest/services...eGeo/MapServer.
Layer "Road Alias Join D StPl FileGeo": Unable to connect to map server at http://myserver/ArcGIS/rest/services...eGeo/MapServer.
Layer "hiddenLayer_Parcels": Failed to create layer from service at http://myserver/ArcGIS/rest/services...ed/MapServer/0.
Failed to execute (Export Web Map).
Failed to execute (Export Web Map Task)."]

I am able to see these layers in my application, so it would appear to me that the problem is that these layers can not be seen by ESRI's external server. Is this the correct interpretation of this error message?

If this is the case, it means that the mapservices need to be publically accessible so the data can be sent to ESRI's print server where the pdf is created?

Any help or feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

strange behavior with map services and eSearch widget. I'm at a loss!

I feel like this shouldn't be so difficult...

I'm experiencing an interesting (not really, more like frustrating) issue with the Flex Viewer (v3.0) and eSearch Widget (v3.0.16).

Everything was working normally one week ago, but now I'm seeing really strange behavior from the widget and my layers.

I have five layers being used in the eSearch widget. Three polygon and two line feature classes, the data all located in the same geodatabase, and all layers are in one map service. When the map launches, a search parameter is passed through the URL and the map zooms to a specific extent based on that URL parameter. The respective data is highlighted and search results display in the Fixed DG. The problem comes when I try to use the widget gui to search another data layer.

When I use the symbology tags for each layer individually (in the eSearch.xml) I see this behavior...
-From the Search Layer drop-down menu in the gui, layers 1, 2, and 4 all work as expected. When I select a feature from one of the layers in position 1, 2, or 4, I see highlighted spatial data on the map, as well as search results (and related results) in the Fixed DG.
-When a search is performed on the data posted in the 3rd position (doesn't matter which data layer it is), the viewer returns search results in the DG and zooms to the extent but does not highlight the feature on the map.
-The 5th data layer on the list, when searched, highlights the feature in the map but there are no search/relate results returned.

It does not matter which data layer is in any of these list positions, it's always the third layer in the xml that zooms but doesn't highlight, and it's always the 5th, or last, layer in the xml that highlights but does not return search results. I reordered my data layers in the xml to test this.

When I comment out each individual layer symbology tag and use the symbols tags at the end of the eSearch.xml, I see this...
-all layers (1-4) work normally and highlight, zoom, and show search/relate results.
-Layer 5 does nothing. No highlight, no zoom, no search results. Though really what happens is it "highlights", but not with the color that is referenced in the xml. The viewer instead redraws the selected feature on top of all other data layers, but in the same symbology that is referenced in the map service (so it looks like nothing has happened). If I do a search on this last layer, then turn off all the layers, the "selected" feature remains in the map, drawn in the map service color.

All the data layers are good and the services are running. The related tables are there and the relate exists, I can query in REST and get results/relates for all the data layers.

Everything worked as expected with v3.0.14(f) of the widget, but since I've updated (twice) things have gone wacky (I've made no other changes to the project other than updating the eSearch widget). I've tried troubleshooting the solution many different ways.

I have added a clean, unedited eSearch widget (v3.0.16) file into my Flex project (uncompiled version) just in case the problem was in one of the few mxml edits I'd made, but the problem persists. I tried to go back to the version of eSearch (3.0.14f) that I knew worked, but now that doesn't work either. I am at a loss as to what to attempt next. I'd really rather not start from the beginning again, building an entirely new project but I don't know how else to figure out where the problem is. It doesn't make sense to me that it's an API problem, since it's only one or two of the data layers that aren't working right and as I said above, the data isn't the problem, that I can tell. I really don't know what to do.

Does anyone have ANY thoughts or ideas as to where to go from here????? Thanks.

Flex Viewer and Errors when Running from Flash Builder - Google Chrome - error 2148

When I run either Flex viewer 2.5 or 3.0 directly from FB 4.6 everything is great on Firefox and IE, but I get an error when using Google Chrome. If I export release build and open the html in Chrome, it works fine but it does not work if I run directly from FB. Does anybody know why? This is my computer at home and at work I never had an issue like that before. Here are the errors

config manager
Fault code: InvokeFailed

Fault info: Error #2148

Fault details: null

viewer manager
Some error occurred. ExternalInterface doesn't work in Standalone player.

Thank you for any help!!!!

Layer is not shown in the TOC after load shapefile

Problem in Data Extract Widget


I am using the widget but I realized that the polygon drawing tool does not perform correctly the clip of the features. All other drawing tools work perfectly. I tested the widget on ESRI,s resources page and also noticed the same error. Could someone help me make this tool work?

GeoRSS in Flex 3.0

I'm currently upgrading my viewer to 3.0 but I've run into an isse with the GeoRSS widget. I haven't had any issues in previous versions, so I'm not sure where to start. One of 2 things happens when I try to view a feed depending on which version of the .mxml I reference in the config.xml. With the .mxml I used in previous versions I'll get the icons displayed on the map properly, but they won't populate the TOC correctly. And when I use the default .mxml from 3.0 the TOC will populate correctly, but all the icons are the same when they should be different. I've tried to compare the 2 .mxml's side-by-side, but I don't know enough to pick out what makes it work.

Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how did you go about fixing it?


eTime widget and time interval

I have a whole lot of data for past 7 days but using eTime widget is it possible to show that latest data only of past few hours rather that all of it.

Just need to set the recent time.

Bing Maps and Overview widget

I am currently displaying Bing Aerial on main map and want to make my overview as Bing Roads, does anyone know how I would code this? Using Flexviewer 3.0

This is what I have coded but it keeps displaying the Bing Aerial in both maps:

<!-- possible values for initialstate: open or closed (default) -->
<!-- by default it will use the same basemap as current main map,
you can hardcode as below if you wish -->
<type="bing" visible="true" key="AjR14SXBBY1RWMyZ9riZJltB3DqUcyUVt_a4ulRXKz-O5sdsQHMVnbjWH964C8Ls" style="road" culture="en-US" />

Thanks All

ESRI Flex Viewer in a Windows thick client

Before I get too deep into looking into this, is it possible to incorporate the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex into a thick client (Windows platform). If so, any pointers/links as to how to do this?

Thank you in advance!


Unable to download the arcgis for flexviewer 3.1

ArcGIS Viewer 3.1 for Flex released December 13, 2012

See the blog article for details about this release.

This release delivers an exceptional amount of new and updated content.
There are many new features in the Viewer.
The documentation for the Viewer has been updated as well as several new topics.
For complete details see the What's new and Concepts in the Viewer.

Notable features in version 3.1:
Support for Attribute Tables
Better support for viewing and editing related records (Attribute Table Sidget, Edit Widget)
More layer types: CSVLayer, GeoRSSLayer, WebTiledLayer
More configuration options in Application Builder

ArcGIS Viewer for Flex main page
What's new in ArcGIS Viewer 3.1 for Flex
Application Builder Download

Developers: source code for the viewer is available on github at https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-viewer-flex/tags - to use the source code at https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-viewer-flex, you will also need to download the API Library separately: go to the Flex API Resource Center at http://resources.arcgis.com/en/communities/flex-api/, click the "Download 3.1 API & Samples" in Quick Links on the right side. Note also that Adobe Flex 4.6 SDK is now required if you are compiling the viewer source code. See the API Resource Center and forum for more information on the API upgrade.

Shapefiles Widget for ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.0


I am pleased to announce the release of my Enhanced Shapefile Widget for ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.0

The ShapeFiles Widget version 3.0 for Flex Viewer 3.0 is a widget that allows you to add shapefiles to the
viewer from the client machine if they are zipped. Shapefiles are made up of multiple file (i.e. xyz.shp, xyz.dbf, xyz.shx,
xyz.prj, etc). The fact that a shapefile is made up of these multiple files is the reason that they need to be zipped. Flash
Player allows the client to upload one file at a time. The minimum files necessary in the zipped file are the .shp and .dbf,
it is also advisable to include the .prj file as well. This widget takes the initial work of Abdul Mannan Mohammed, the
mods of Wesley Chow and Iain Campion and enhance then with the following features.

Feature include:

* Added shapefiles are re-projected to the map wkid.
* Adding labeling based on the first string field in the shapefile is optional and will be added as a seperate FeatureLayer.
* Each Shapefile is added as a FeatureLayer so that it appears in the LayerList Widget, TOC Widget, MapSwitcher Widget.
* The widget has been localized so that all text in the widget can be changed to the users locale.
* The widget has a ShapeFiles.xml that allows for widget options to be configured.
* Each added shapefile is displayed in the widgets results and has a remove button.
* When the widget is closed the shapefiles remain in the map (unless you choose to remove them using the widget).
* Options for symbology and labeling are now very extensive.
* UX (user Experience) and GUI has been greatly improved.
* When a shapefile is removed and it has been labeled, the corresponding labels are also removed.


Chart Widget

I am using OTB chart widget and would like to be able to summarize the different types of pipe material in the pie chart. For example ac, ci, di, pvc. This is what I have so far:
<layerselectionlabel>Select layer</layerselectionlabel>
<drawtoolmenulabel>Select draw tool</drawtoolmenulabel>
<layer label="Water Pipe Material" url="http://wr_modeling/ArcGIS/rest/services/UtilitiesDashboard/MapServer/12">
<field name="MATERIAL"/>
<field name="SHAPE_LEN"/>
<media chartfields="SHAPE_LEN"
title="Length of Pipe Material"


Use Field Twice in DataGrid of ESearch Widget

To All FlexViewer Users:

I would like to setup the ESearch Widget so a field from a file geodatabase is displayed in 2 ways in the datagrid.

In the first instance I would just like to show the value of the field's record.
In the second instance I would like to use this field value along with linkprefix and linksuffix to have the field in the datagrid view hyperlink to the location specified by the configuration variables.

When I employ this setup the hyperlink works perfectly, but the value in the field where I just want to display the field's value adds the linkprefix and linksuffix even though it was just configured for the second instance of this field.

Is what I am trying to accomplish possible?

eSearch - graphic input only option not returning symbols

Hi everyone -

I have 3 layers in my eSearch.xml with <symbols> set at the bottom of the .xml, and no <symbology> set for the individual layers. It seems like something is a little buggy. The first layer in my list selects fine (purple - good pix), but the other layers do not have the same highlighted color, even though they populate the datagrid, and show the popup (bad pix) etc.

Interestingly everything works fine for the textinput option, it's just for the graphical input that something is awry. Any ideas?

I'm using eSearch,3.014f - last modified on 11/15/2012.

thanks, meg
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	good.jpg‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	109.9 KB
ID:	19959   Click image for larger version

Name:	bad.JPG‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	88.2 KB
ID:	19960  

Enhance Search Problem

Hi All,
i am new to adobe flex,
i am using Enhance Search Widget version 3.0.16, I have a category field in database in this field i save the Transportation,Agriculture... when i try to search Transportaion from category it can search but can not hide other data like agriculture... in map i use specific symbol for each one please help me how to solve this problem
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