Channel: Forums - ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
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Enhance Search Problem

Dear All,

I am using Enhance Search widget 3.0.16 flex, i have one Layer "TEST_PRJ" and "regional_command,Province,Shape,ObjectId,Category)fields in this layer, i want to search with different field for example i want to search with regional_command i have six regional_command(RC-East,RC-Capital,RC-West...) i put these regional command in drop down list when i select one regional command from dorp down list it shows the correct result in data grid but in map it show all regional command,i want to see the regional command which i selected from drop down list, in ArcMap when i run the query"regional_command='RC-East' it shows just East but in interface it cannot show.
<enableprintgrid title="Select Regional Command">true</enableprintgrid>
<name>Cashing CERP Projects(8631)</name>
<expression alias="Regional Command" textsearchlabel="Search Regional Commnad:" isvaluerequired="false">
<value prompt="Example: RC-Captial" userlist="RC-East,RC-West,RC-North,RC-Southwest,allu" isvaluerequired="false">regional_command= '[value]'</value>

<graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select Zoning</graphicalsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="objectid" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="regional_command" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="province" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="category" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="mgrs" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="shape" gridfieldonly="true" gridfield="false"/>
<zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="2">2400</zoomscale>
<simplefillsymbol color="0x0000ff" alpha="0.5">
<outline color="0x00ffff" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	data.PNG‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	138.1 KB
ID:	19979   Click image for larger version

Name:	map.jpg‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	100.1 KB
ID:	19980  

Errors when importing Flex Viewer 3.0 src into Flash Builder


I'm getting error when importing flexviewer 3.0 src into flash builder 4. I'm following the step like this:-

file -> import flash builder project ->arcgis-viewer-flex-flexviewer-3.0-src.zip
Extract new project to--> use default
click Finish

Then i get 80 error. Did i do somewthing wrong? Please guide me

What the next step after editing PopUpRendererSkin.mxml


Can please show me the next step after editing the PopUpRendererSkin.mxml.

This is the step that i did;

1. Copy PopUpRendererSkin.mxml
2. In flash Builder create Package name com.esri.ags.skins and paste PopUpRendererSkin.mxml
3. Edit PopUpRendererSkin.mxml
4. Click Run (Ctrl+F11)

This is my directory folder :
My Flash Project : D:\flash\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\FlexViewer
My Flash Output folder : D:\flash\flexviewer_project
My ArcGIS Viewer For Flex - Application Builder : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\flexviewers\project and my Application Name is "Test_Flexviewer"

My question :-

1.Did i do the right way in configure PopUpRendererSkin.mxml in Flash Builder
2.I edit the PopUpRendererSkin.mxml so that link in popup. xml will open the new url window with width = 250 and height = 400.
My question is, How to make it work in my "Test_Flexviewer" application. Should i copy my Test_Flexviewer directory to My Flash Output folder?

Please guide me


Widget Refresh

Is there any way to refresh a widget, without closing it, just refreshing its components?

Operational layers disappear if basemap layers have sublayers

The workaround for this bug does not work for me. I have placed the operational layers tag above the basemaps tag and am still having the same issue.

The first basemap displays with all of the operational layers as it should. When I switch to one of my other 2 basemaps, only the first operational layer will display. The other operational layers draw underneath the basemap.

I am using SFV 3.0.
Has anyone come across this problem?

eTime presests for 2 thumbposition presets

Robert Scheitlin's eTime v3.0.3 has been modified to support 2 thumbposition presets. I have tried to implement, but can't get the thumbpositions to do anything. My eTimeWidget.xml is below...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer label="1923-Present" name="Flightlines">
<starttime>1924/01/01 00:06:00 UTC</starttime>
<endtime>2012/12/31 00:05:59 UTC</endtime>
<startthumb>1993/01/01 00:06:00 UTC</startthumb>
<endthumb>2003/12/31 00:05:59 UTC</endthumb>
<timelayerlabel>Select Year Range for Flightlines: </timelayerlabel>



Identify Widget - configuration

Issues using 3.1

I have recently downloaded v3.1 to test out. I've attempted to use the compiled and uncompiled versions and both have given me similar results. I'm not sure if there is something different that I need to do in this version, but previously it was more or less plug and play.

I've attached a copy of the error I'm recieving.

If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	BasemapError.JPG‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	17.1 KB
ID:	20017  

Changing Initial Extent Automatically


When we send out field crews, we give them the address and they open the Flex map in their trucks. However, since it is a wireless VPN it is very slow in locating the address, panning and zooming.
What I am thinking of, as a solution, is when creating a job order, I can attach a "button" that they can access, which zooms right to the specfied location!

Does anyone know of an idea for a possible solution? I'm thinking I should probably make the next step to Flex development.
I'm running 3.1 application builder.


Grey exclamation mark on polyline popups in Viewer 3.1


I am still experiencing the grey exclamation mark or "GCOD" when i use popups on polylines in the 3.1 release of the flexviewer.
This only occurs when i zoom to the two smallest zoomlevels in the flexviewer.

I was having the same troubles with the 3.0 version and was hoping this would be fixed in the 3.1 release.

Does anyone have the same issue? And if so, has anyone been able to fix the error without disabeling popups all together?
I think the 3.1 release has some awesome new features but i won't be able to use this (or the previous 3.0) version untill this is resolved.

Hope someone can help, esri maybe? Thanks in advance.

Searchbox in 3.1

Hi, I'm trying to use the FV 3.1, and with that using a local geocode-service.
When I use it in the header, it's like it's dropping off the earth, but if I use the same geocode-service in the locator-widget, it works like a charm.
I've added the locator that I've used as a geocode-package, hope somebody can help.
Attached Files

How to listen to popup events on a webmap CSVLayer?


My FlexViewer 3.1 points to a webmap made up of a CSVLayer and a basemap. I'd like to listen to when a user clicks on a feature from the CSVLayer, and make use of the underlying feature's data displayed in its popup. This app event does not get fired:

AppEvent.addListener(AppEvent.SHOW_INFOWINDOW, showInfoWindowHandler);

Can you tell me what event I need to make this work?

Matt English
Esri Canada

Issues with 3.1 Flex Viewer and App Builder

I pulled these posts from another thread. The original posts are at http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/735...627#post257627

Yesterday 09:29 AM#2

Re: ArcGIS Viewer 3.1 for Flex released December 13, 2012

I cannot figure out what is going on. I downloaded the compiled version and the app builder for 3.1. I upgraded a test application and checked my layers. I tried to open the app in IE and while I don't get any errors, all I get is the clock symbol spinning. I also noticed that I couldn't edit the Attribute table widget in the Layout tab. In the preview tab, I get the spinning clock symbol and a bar across the screen, I assume the attribute table, when a broken image icon in the middle. Help what is going on?

Also when I click on Map Extent under the Maps tab, the application builder becomes unresponsive other than the fact that when I close it asks if I want to save any changes.

Last edited by ksjosh82; Yesterday at 09:38 AM. Reason: more info

Issues upgrading Flexviewer 3.1 (uncompiled)

Hi All,

I've been upgrading our in-house web mapping application from flexviewer 3.0 to 3.1, and I've encountered a small problem.

The first time I load the Flexviewer application in the web browser, the User Interface doesn't load properly. If I refresh using the F5 button, it loads properly.

Here is a screenshot of the issue:
First load:
Attachment 20039

After refresh (F5)
Attachment 20040

Any help on the matter would be appreciated.


Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	flexviewerTroubleshoot1.png‎
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Size:	506.8 KB
ID:	20039   Click image for larger version

Name:	flexviewerTroubleshoot2.png‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	378.0 KB
ID:	20040  

New 3.1 Widgets not showing up.

Do we need to add the new widgets in manually to the viewer? I see them in the source code but they do not show up as options in the new viewer.


Print Widget 3.1 Question

I'm trying to exclude some layers from my print layouts in Flex viewer 3.1. I see that in the new documentation you can use the: <excludelayerfromlegend>thelayername</excludelayerfromlegend> to remove the entire map service. My question is how to only eliminate 1 or 2 layers in a mapservice from the legend? I'm using ArcGIS 10.1

Here are some examples of things i have tried but nothing seems to work. Perhaps somebody has tried to do this already and can explain to me what i'm doing wrong.

<excludelayerfromlegend>CityAnnexations</excludelayerfromlegend> --> this will remove all of this mapservice from the legend. But NOT all of the time. Sometimes it will randomly show up on the layout. After cleaning my temp files and even restarting my pc.

I've tried the following with no luck to exclude only certains layers in a map service. Can somebody from the ESRI team give me a correct example on how to specifically exclude a layer from a map service with the print widget, or if it is possible to do in 3.1.


<excludelayerfromlegend>PLSS Boundaries "1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11"</excludelayerfromlegend>

Also my images in the legend come out all weird with lines thru them and they should just be outlines with no fill for symbology.

the support team tried to assist me in this a few months back by changing the default printer on the server to have a paper size greater than anything you would print but that workaround does not work now and it is very frustrating.


Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Legend Problem.JPG‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	19.5 KB
ID:	20052  

Turn off pop ups

Is there a way to turn off pop ups for a layer? I have a layer showing county boundaries (kml right now), and when I click inside the counties I don't want a pop up showing the county name to display. Any help is appreciated.

iframe in popup.xml


i'm wondering it's possible to put html iframe in popup.xml for example :-
<iframe src ='http://www.mydomain.com></iframe>

Time widget

i'm trying working on time widget for example:-

on Jan 1, 2012 i have 40 layers
Feb 1, 2012 20 layers
Mac 1, 2012 10 layers
Apr 1, 2012 30 layers

So when i run the time widget it go like this :- On Jan 1, it display 40 layers, on Feb 1, it add 20 layers until
Apr 1, it display all 100 layers. So my plan is, when user run time widget it will show the layer for that time only.
Example Jan 1, it show 40 layers, Feb 1, it show 20 layer and so on. It's possible to do that?


Attribute widget on top

I am trying to utilize the attribute widget, and when open, it opens over the top of all other widgets.

Is is possible to control which widgets it covers vs. draws under?


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