Channel: Forums - ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
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New Attribute Table Widget

Stuggling to get this new widget to work. I'm finding if I specify in the config something like this:

<layer label="Boundaries" url="http://testserver/arcgis/rest/services/Boundaries/Boundaries/MapServer/0"></layer> <!-- non-mapped layer(s), added for just this widget -->

It works and show all features, but doesn't update when you pan to a new extent and if I set the config like this:

<layer name="Boundaries"> <!-- Overwriting layer settings for a map service layer -->
<sublayer id="0" iseditable="false"> <!-- is editable only supported for a sub layer within a map service layer -->
<field name="objectid" alias="ObjectID"/>

The above references a map service like this in my main config file:

<layer label="Boundaries" type="dynamic" visible="false" alpha="1.0"

It doesn't work at all. What am I doing wrong and how can I set this attribute table to work with map services I have defined in the main config file?

Either or option for layer list or legend widgets

Hi - I was wondering if anyone has modified the layer list or legend widgets so that only one operational layer can be turned on at a time - i.e. when the viewer ticks one layer on any previously ticked layer is unticked.

I have not yet got started on flex development, installation of the api etc - I am kind of hoping it may not be necessary if this option is already available!

Kind regards,

SQL Query Issue with Operators in eSearch Widget

I'm trying to do a query to select from "StreetNum" or "AltStreetN" which are 2 fields for address number, and also street, "StreetName". I'd like to have 2 fields for entry, with the StreetName field required, but the other field to enter StreetNum / AltStreetN not required, so they could get results for the entire street, or if they know the exact address, they could just enter that. The problem is that the results for the query below will work if they only enter StreetName, but if they put in, say 164 in the top and Water St in the bottom entry, I get numerous results for 164, so the AND operator does not seem to work. So there's trouble doing and OR with an AND. If I put it all in one query, there would only be 1 box for entry, so that's not an option. I thought that if you could use parenthesis or something equivalent, it would work, but if so, I'm not sure of the syntax. Would someone please help?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <expression alias="Address" textsearchlabel="Search Parcels by Street Name and Number:" isvaluerequired="true">
- <values>
<value prompt="Example: 164" isvaluerequired="false">StreetNum like '[value]' OR AltStreetN like'[value]'</value>
<value prompt="Example: Water" isvaluerequired="true" operator="AND">StreetName like '%[value]%'</value>

change enableIcon property in WidgetTemplate class

I am using Flex Viewer 3.1
I would like to change the value of the property enableIcon in WidgetTemplate.
My widget extends BaseWidget. I know there has to be a connection between WidgetTemplate and BaseWidget, but I dont see it.
I basically want to do something like myWidget.enableIcon = false.

Problems with basemaps in AppBuilder 3.1

I've tried the new AppBuilder 3.1 and have problems creating apps with my basemaps. If I'm only using sample basemaps from arcgis online eventhing works, but if I use my basemaps (that worked perfectly in 3.0) the app builder freezez when I go to step 3 to set the extent. se the attached image. And if I'm viewing the application in a browser I can't se my basemaps.

Attachment 20071
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	AppBuilder.png‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	24.3 KB
ID:	20071  

Is the World Locator geocoder working for others?

Yesterday morning, 8 AM Central time, I tried using the WorldLocator geocoder and it would grind away forever. Finally it would say nothing found. After around 9:15 it started working again. Today it was the same thing going on at the same time. It is now working again.
So are we the only ones having this problem? Is this just the Web Christmas shoppers clogging up the internet?


Can you open another widget from an info window?


Remove glowfilter on a certain scale with InfoWindow

I am facing some problems with the glowfilter.

I know how to remove it in all places, but i want to remove it on a certain scale.
Because the problem with the glow only takes place at a certain scale.

So what i do now is, i check if the scale is lower than 5000. if so, set infowindowrenderhighlightcolor to NaN.
So if you click on a POINT/POLYLINE/POLYGON lower than 5000 the glowfilter is not set around the selection.

But here's my problem:

When i click on a POINT/POLYLINE/POLYGON and the infowindow shows, and then zoom in to scale < 5000, the glow should remove, but i dont know how to.

Here's my code from now.

Does anyone know how to clear/remove this filter?

if (map.scale < 5000) {

map.setStyle('infoWindowRendererHighlightColor', NaN);

else if (map.scale > 5000) {

map.setStyle('infoWindowRendererHighlightColor', 0x00FFFF);


Clear eSearch Results from Fixed Data Grid


I was wondering if anyone had successfully added a clear results button on their fixed datagrid for Robert's eSearch widget (vers. 3.0.8)?

I thought if I made the clear() function in the eSearchWidget.mxml public, then I could call it, but I am having trouble doing so. Perhaps I just haven't woke up this morning or I am going about this all wrong.

Another great example of my efforts to develop something without developing something...

Thanks in advance!
Chris B.

Street viewer

Street viewer has stopped working and unable to connect to server. Anyone know what happened to the Service and is there an alternative address to point to? This has been extremely helpful for my staff to provide better customer service.


“Invalid settings” when starting the “ArcGIS viewer for flex”,

“Invalid settings” when starting the “ArcGIS viewer for flex”,

Please, have a look on the screenshots below

Attachment 20106, Attachment 20107
I there any reason behind getting the message “Invalid settings” as I started the “ArcGIS viewer for flex”?

Thank you for the help,


Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Clip_52.jpg‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	114.3 KB
ID:	20106   Click image for larger version

Name:	Clip_54.jpg‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	96.2 KB
ID:	20107  

Locate Widget Pick Location from Map?

I there a way to configure the Locate Widget to perform a reverse geocode based on a location picked off the map by the user? The pin icon is an option to locate by X,Y but does not give the user an option to select a location on the map to auto populate the X,Y values. I have posted this on the Ideas site but have not seen any progress and I have been requesting this option since ver 2.0. The only work around I have found is to publish a geoprocessing service separately and build the geoprocessing task at each version update. The custom widgets from other users I have found just do not perform as expected or are not configurable to use with my geocode services.


Print widget 3.1

I'm having issues with Internet Explorer 9 showing my basemaps on the pdf generated by the print widget. It shows the operational layers but not the basemaps. In Firefox 12 the basemaps show up. I actually had this problem in 3.0 sometimes as well but could usually fix it by clearing the internet cache. I also have other users that can never seem to get the basemaps to display. I'm using the compiled version so I can't readily change the code. The behavior of this widget is very inconsistent.

Also, I've got to have more control over the layout. The legend does not behave properly and the scale bar is always in miles which doesn't do much for my users as everything is large scale for us 1:50000 and farther in. I've tried doing the custom layouts and they were far more trouble than they were worth with dynamic options not properly displaying.

Reverse Geocoding Widget

Pop-up Links

I have the URL's of the links in the table. I just need to find a way to make the link not show up like on the enhanced search widget. In that widget you just use a hyperlinkalias. Is there a way that I can do that in the pop up configuration file? Here is my PopUp config.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <title>Owner: {Deeded_Own}</title>
        <field name="Deeded_Own"/>
        <field name="Parcel_ID" alias="Parcel ID" visible="true"/>
        <field name="Street" alias="Street" visible="true"/>
        <field name="City" alias="City" visible="true"/>
        <field name="Legal" alias="Legal Description" visible="true"/>
        <field name="Deeded_Acr" alias="Deeded Acres" visible="true"/>
        <field name="Qtr_Sectio" alias="Quarter Section" visible="true"/>
        <field name="Section" alias="Section" visible="true"/>
        <field name="Township" alias="Township" visible="true"/>
        <field name="Range" alias="Range" visible="true"/>
        <field name="Neighborho" alias="Neighborhood" visible="true"/>
        <field name="Tax_Rate" alias="Tax Rate" visible="true"/>
        <field name="PropCardLink" alias="Property Card Link" visible="true"/>
        <field name="TaxBillLink" alias="Tax Bill Link" visible="true"/>

Thanks in Advance

Mouse over Tooltip for shapes in Flex Viewr

We are using the Flex Viewer 3.1 for parcel searching and locating. I am trying to determine how to have a tool tip with the address information on it as the default functionality when zoomed into a set extant range. I have seen this on some of the Gallery apps. Any hints on where I can find details on getting started on how to implement this functionality in Flex?


configuring searchbox in HeaderControllerWidget 3.1

I really like the idea of the new searchbox in the HeaderControllerWidget, but I'm not able to configuring it as I want. Don't know if I'm doing it wrong or if it's impossible without changing the source code.
I want to use my own searchlayers and no locator at all, and I want the results to display as graphics.
First of all I think the conceptual graphic in the documentation is wrong, it looks like the <labels> tag and <symbols> tag is supposed to be in the <searchlayer> tag, but in the text it says they should be in the <search> tag which seems to be correct.
My config-file looks like this (the search tag):

                <searchprompt>Skriv fastighet, adress eller plats</searchprompt>
                <noresults>Inga träffar hittades</noresults>
                <simplemarkersymbol color="0x00FFFF" alpha="0.7" size="10"/>
                <simplefillsymbol color="0x00FFFF" alpha="0.5">
                        <outline alpha="0.9" width="2"/>

The search works fine for my three layer ids but also displays searchresult from what I guess is the default locator. Is there anyway to disable that?
I don't see any graphics to my results though, is something wrong with my <symbols> tag? (My layers are one polygon layer and two point layers).

My last wish I think would require editing the source code (maybe something for the next version?), I would like the resultlist to display and update while typing, without pressing enter, after the users has entered a number of characters (for example 4 or 5).

Problems with Edit Widget and request to improve it

Hi all,

Firstly I would like to know if the problem I've found it's a bug: I have a layer to be edited with domains and subtypes, but in order to display the description instead of code values I have to classify the layer by the field used as subtype because if I want to use a single symbol for classifying the layer, only display the code values.

Secondly, it will desirable to add the possibility to manage independently (enable/disable) editing vertices, moving features, clipping features (I need to update the attributes of a parcel layer, and clipping features however is very dangerous and easy to move features or vertices).

Finally, when you are editing the attributes of a layer, it only appears an ok buttom in popup, and once you have update some attribute, it is commited although you click the close bottom of popup. I think is neccessary a Cancel buttom.


Getting info from an asset


I want to click on an asset (e.g. mains) and get information for it, like info button in ArcMap.

Which gadget should I use in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.1?


Deployment Problem Flex viewer

Dear All,
I have customised the flex viewer 2.6 and it is running on my own Computer having osperating system windows vista,i want to deploy the application.The server is the operating system 2008 server.When i deployed the application and run it it gives me the fallowing error.
TypeError:Error#1009 Cannot access a property or method with null object reference.
at mx.managers:System manager rawchildern
at mx.managers:systemchildernlist/removechildernlist0
at mx.managers.systemmanagers:preload_Preloaddonehandler
at flashevents:Eventdispatcher/dispatcheventfunction
at flash.events:eventdistpatcher/dispatchevent0
at mx.preloaders:Preloader/displayclasscompletehandler
at flashevents:Eventdispatcher/dispatcheventfunction
at flash.events:eventdistpatcher/dispatchevent0
at preload:CustomPreloader/drawProcess()(C:\Appname\src\CustomPreloader.as:95
at flash.utils:Timers/_timerDispatch()

so this was the complete error.Please help me.i am stuck here from last two days.

Thanks in advance
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