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Flex 3.1?

I heard that 3.1 is coming out in December? will there be a list of improvements published in a formal announcement beforehand?

Exclude layers from Printing Service legend


Is it possible to exclude some layers from the legend of the Printing service just like the Legend Widget?

Right now I excluded two layers from the Legend Widget, but when print the map, the legend of these two layers are shown on the printed map. This is not consistent.



Using mixed tiled and dynamic basemaps and controlling zoom LODs

Having some issues with being able to zoom further than the default LODs defined for the ESRI Streets and Aerials basemaps. I understand that I can add in additional LOD levels and have also found information on being able to define for "secondary" basemaps the display levels.

My issue seems to be that despite setting these based on the information I uncovered, the webservice is locking up when I zoom in beyond the initial set of LODs for the ESRI mapping.

I also want to add that I am not able to do any custom programming - any solution (if there are any) must be handled within the config.xml.

Here is the information from my config.xml I am using:

<map initialextent="-9385000 4681000 -7719000 5170000" top="0">

<lod scale="591657527.591555" resolution="156543.03392800014"/>
<lod scale="295828763.79577702" resolution="78271.516963999937"/>
<lod scale="147914381.89788899" resolution="39135.758482000092"/>
<lod scale="73957190.948944002" resolution="19567.879240999919"/>
<lod scale="36978595.474472001" resolution="9783.9396204999593"/>
<lod scale="18489297.737236001" resolution="4891.9698102499797"/>
<lod scale="9244648.8686180003" resolution="2445.9849051249898"/>
<lod scale="4622324.4343090001" resolution="1222.9924525624949"/>
<lod scale="2311162.2171550002" resolution="611.49622628137968"/>
<lod scale="1155581.108577" resolution="305.74811314055756"/>
<lod scale="577790.55428899999" resolution="152.87405657041106"/>
<lod scale="288895.27714399999" resolution="76.437028285073239"/>
<lod scale="144447.638572" resolution="38.21851414253662"/>
<lod scale="72223.819285999998" resolution="19.10925707126831"/>
<lod scale="36111.909642999999" resolution="9.5546285356341549"/>
<lod scale="18055.954822" resolution="4.7773142679493699"/>
<lod scale="9027.9774109999998" resolution="2.3886571339746849"/>
<lod scale="4513.9887049999998" resolution="1.1943285668550503"/>
<lod scale="2256.994353" resolution="0.59716428355981721"/>
<lod scale="1128.4971760000001" resolution="0.29858214164761665"/> <!-- End of ESRI mapping -->
<lod scale="564.248588" resolution="0.149291070823808"/>
<lod scale="282.124294" resolution="0.074645535411904"/>
<lod scale="141.062147" resolution="0.0.037322767705952"/>
<lod scale="70.5310735" resolution="0.018661383852976"/>
<lod scale="35.26553675" resolution="0.009330691926488"/>
<lod scale="17.632768375" resolution="0.004665345963244"/>
<lod scale="8.8163841875" resolution="0.002332672981622"/> -->

<layer label="StreetsBase" type="dynamic" visible="false"
<layer label="Streets" type="tiled" visible="true"
<layer label="Aerial" type="tiled" visible="false"
url="http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer"/> -->

Any help on straighening this issue out would be appreciated. I will have no problems if someone tells me I am simply doing something wrong! :)

Michael Hanna, GISP
GIS Manager, Middlesex Water Company

Just to add in an additional item - the "locking" is occurring when I attempt to go past the LOD "282.124294". Beyond that the screen blanks of all data (both dynamic and basemap) and I am no longer able to change the navigation (zoom in/zoom out). When I attempt to drag the zoom slider past the 282 LOD, it simply reset to 282.

Map Services Widget upgrade?

Combine "apply buffer" & interesct function on Spatial Search - eSearch Widget

I try to combine apply buffer button with intersect button so the user only need to click one time then able to draw buffer ring and show all the results interest with the buffer ring. Here is what I did:
private function sOpBtnClickHandler(event:Event):void
applyBuffer(); //Apply buffer ring

But no luck!. Only shows interesect results.

Thank you.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	buffer.png‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	14.0 KB
ID:	19018  

Legend Widget mis-behaving

Using FV3.0 and the out of box Legend widget. In fact, I just imported new project and ran with the existing layer/config and seems to be working fine.
However, the existing config loads type="tiled" and type="feature". If I load ANY of them as type="dynamic", then the Legend widget will display them even if visible="false". The only way to remove them from the legend is to turn them on (check them in mapswitcher), then back off, and this will remove it from the legend.

Anyone else have this issue and know of a "fix" for it?



Attachment 19039
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	untitled1.jpg‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	351.4 KB
ID:	19039  

problem with MapSwitcher widget

Hi guys,
i have a problem with MapSwitcher widget.
With this widget i see all basemap of arcgis online. I would like to see not all base map and so i changed the config.xml file in this way
HTML Code:

<map esrilogovisible="false" wraparound180="true" initialextent="-68000 4653000 2867000 5553000"  fullextent="-1659000 4357000 4211000 6157000" top="0" addarcgisbasemaps="false">
        <layer label="Streets" type="tiled" visible="true" alpha="1"

        <layer label="Aerial" type="tiled" visible="false" alpha="1"

        <layer label="Topo" type="tiled" visible="false" alpha="1"


i set addarcgisbasemap on false and insert tree basmap, but when i run my webapp i don't see a map.
Any help please?

Re: Bringing in Data from ArcGIS.com


Originally Posted by smith.jason@epa.gov View Post
Thank you Bjorn. However, I'm not sure that my question was fully answered. I have a Web Map saved within "My Contents" online at ArcGIS.com, but it's not showing up as an available Operational Layer. Am I missing something? Should it be saved as a different type?

I have the exact same issue Jason, I have created a web map with operational layers but they do not show up in my content within the flex application builder.

sign in


I started using the flex version recently, and I started to develop a solution to login, i it wanted to know if anyone has any example of creating a simple login?

Edit Widget Memory Overload


I have run across a problem using the Edit Widget in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.0. I am using the Edit Widget to add rectangular extents to one feature service. Most of the extents that I am entering overlap to some extent- so when I click on one previously added extent to view or edit its attributes- the Edit Widget will often pick up many extents and give me the option to scroll through and change attributes for each extent.

The problem I'm having is that when the Edit Widget picks up more than say 10 overlapping features at once, and I try to view the attributes for the different features- the browser goes from displaying the web mapping application to displaying a big "!" and nothing else. My understanding is that this is a sign that there is a memory overload.

Is there something I can do do address this issue within the widget or web mapping application?

I was thinking if I could obtain a version of the Edit Widget that limits the features you can edit to the current web map viewing session- instead of just the current user- that this would cut down on the number of records for which the widget would allow you to view/edit attributes. I tried using Ben Kane's Enhanced Edit Widget from the code gallery (http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html...1c48c809a1eaca) but that did not seem to work properly. I do not have Adobe Flash Builder and am not a developer- so it would be difficult for me to make these changes to the widget code myself.

Any recommendations are very much appreciated.

Thank you.


Problem with chartwidget flex viewer

hi guys,
i'm trying to use the chart widget.
Hi saw the tag example on the Help but i have a problem with the layout of chart.
if i set the config file in this way
HTML Code:

        <layerselectionlabel>Select layer</layerselectionlabel>
        <drawtoolmenulabel>Select draw tool</drawtoolmenulabel>
        <layer label="TRATTE" url="http://win-n4lcjvs1eib:6080/arcgis/rest/services/RFI/MDR/MapServer/1">
                <field name="OR_ID"/>
                <field name="STATO_SISTEMA"/>
                <media caption="{=COUNT}"
                      title="STATO SISTEMA TRATTE"


i don't see the line chart. i see only the respons of count but not the chart.
Any help?

Services and Widgets (help!)


I searched the forum and did not find much about, so I'm posting here.

I have a flex application using the blazeds together to make communication with java, my login is functional, it normally authenticates the link in actionscript with java.

My problem now is the creation and modification of services and widgets, the need for users to have access to hierarchical levels, where some users will not have access to certain content (widgets and services).

Study the code, I found the classes to manipulate config.xml, but not understand the dynamics of them and how I could implement in java.

Could anyone help me? any tips or a diagram of operation? Does anyone of you have done some implementation of this size, using an authentication level of access?

following pieces of code that I could understand a certain dynamic manipulation of config.xml


public class ConfigData
    public var viewerUI:Array;
    public var controls:Array;
    public var mapAttrs:Array;
    public var basemaps:Array;
    public var opLayers:Array;
    public var widgetContainers:Array;
    public var widgets:Array;
    public var widgetIndex:Array;
    public var styleAlpha:Number;
    public var styleColors:Array;
    public var font:Object;
    public var titleFont:Object;
    public var geometryService:Object;
    public var bingKey:String;
    public var proxyUrl:String;
        public var refreshLayers:Object //objeto para mapear todos layers que precisam de atualização constante
        public var basemapPosition:String;

    public function ConfigData()
        viewerUI = [];
        controls = [];
        mapAttrs = [];
        basemaps = [];
        opLayers = [];
        widgets = [];
        widgetContainers = []; //[i]={container, widgets]
        widgetIndex = []; //[i]={container, inx}
        styleAlpha = 0.8;
        styleColors = [];
        geometryService = {}; // { url: "foo", token: "123", useproxy: false }
                refreshLayers = {};

How to add "mouseOverGraphic" function on eSearch Widget

I try to add mouseOverGraphic function on eSeach Widget so when you mouse over th result graphic, it will shows the infowindow. Can someone show me how to add mouseOverGraphic function?
Here is what I added:
1) Add these two lines inside createSearchResults function.
graphic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseOverGraphic); //Add 11/6/12
graphic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseOutGraphic); //Add 11/6/12

2)Add some new functions.

//mouse over graphic ---------------------- Add 11/6/12 ----------------------

private function mouseOverGraphic(event:MouseEvent):void
var gra:Graphic = event.currentTarget as Graphic;
var searchResult:SearchResult = getResultByGID(gra.attributes.gid);
if (map.extent.containsXY(searchResult.point.x, searchResult.point.y)){
hitimer = setTimeout(showHighlight, 300, [searchResult]);
gra.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutGraphic);

private function getResultByGID(gid:Number):SearchResult
var retResult:SearchResult
for (var i:Number = 0; i < searchResultAC.length; i++){
var sr:SearchResult = searchResultAC[i];
if(sr.gid == gid){
retResult = sr;
return retResult;

private function mouseOutGraphic(event:MouseEvent):void
var gra:Graphic = event.currentTarget as Graphic;
var iG:Number = (graphicsLayer.graphicProvider as ArrayCollection).getItemIndex(gra);
if(iG > -1){
(graphicsLayer.graphicProvider as ArrayCollection).getItemAt(iG).filters = [];

private var timer2:Timer;
private function timedClose():void
var rate:Number = AutoCloseNum;
timer2 = new Timer(rate);

//stop timer
private function stopTimer():void
if (timer2 != null){
if (timer2.running){

private function disableTimer(evt:Event):void

private function reEnableTimer(evt:Event):void

//timer tick
private function timerTick(event:TimerEvent):void

private function clearSelectedGrapics(evt:Event):void
for (var i:int = 0; i < graphicsLayer.numGraphics; ){
if (Graphic(graphicsLayer.getChildAt(i)).name == "Selected"){
// End Add ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3) Add these before init function
private var AutoCloseNum:Number = 2000; //Add 11/6/12
private var gid:Number = 1; //Add 11/6/12
4)Add public var gid:Number; //Add 11/6/12 inside searchResult as

Thank you.

Enhanced Search Widget Wildcard Search Syntax

To All Enhanced Search Widget Users:

I have a search with an ID field of 8 characters where I would like to just have a wildcard for the last character with a requirement of at least 7 characters before the Search is enabled. I would just like to change the config file and avoid modifying the uncompiled action script code, if that is possible.

This is the search I have for matching the end of the user input value, but it allows too many results to be found.
<value prompt="Example: M1234567" isvaluerequired="true">upper(ID) LIKE upper('[value]%')

I have values of say M1234561, M1234562, M1234563, M1234564, M1234565 and M1234559, M1239999, M1230000.

I want to just get back the first 5 values (M1234561, M1234562, M1234563, M1234564, M1234565) if I enter M123456. I would not want the user to be able to search for M123 which would retrieve all of these records. The feature class has thousands of entries so I am currently getting thousands of returns if I am able to perform a search with less than 7 characters.

Service pack 5 for 10.0 killed my Relate Info Widget??

Hi everyone, yesterday we installed service pack 5 for our ArcServer 10.0.
Then this morning it appears my relate info window widget has stopped working, can't pull up property owner details using my relate.
Relate is active, I can see related records in my service using ArcCatalog.

Anyone else with this experience? I know I'm using an older version of FViewer, but just trying to narrow down causes/reasons for the relate dying on me.
Time to migrate to 3.0 Viewer I guess?

eSearch question: Hit enter when searching multiple attributes

I am using the recent eSearch widget v 3.013 in the 3.0 Flex Viewer. How challenging would it be to modify it to allow a user to hit enter (rather than click the Search button) once they fill in their search strings for two or more attributes? I know Robert removed this capability for a reason (see link below), but I figured I would ask. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated, especially if written for someone with limited Flex programming experience. I have deployed the viewer and widget via the source code and have access to Flash Builder.

Thanks to Robert for the great tools he has developed and supported over the years!

Robert’s response about this request:

Retrieve userid from IIS in Flex Viewer

What is the best way to retrieve the userid of the currently logged-in user from IIS within Flex Viewer code? I have IIS configured for "Integrated Windows Authentication", and would like to grab the userid to determine what config.xml file to send them to.


Changing "More..." in the compiled version 3.0

Is there a way to do this? I've looked all over for the text and can't find it.

Docked TOC/Legend/Map Contents/Layer List Question

Hi all,

I am looking for a Viewer Widget or a way to configure the Layer List widget to be docked on the side like the map contents in the Silverlight Viewer - see example: http://gismaps.pagnet.org/TAZ/. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this.


deploy a custom localized widget to a binary FlexViewer

I have developed a custom widget which is using also localizations.
The localization is based on a custom locale properties file.
In my widget, I have integrated it with:


When I'm compiling the widget with the flexViewer30 in FlashBuilder, the localizations are working as expected.

When I'm using the pre-compiled FlexViewer and I'm copying the widget swf in it, the localizations aren't working.

What are the steps to deploy a custom localized widget in a binary FlexViewer version?

The complete widget sources can be found here: http://bitbucket.schuller.lu/pchprintwidget30

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